REady Set Go ? .......


New Member
Nov 13, 2004
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When ,What ,and Where was the Best Time of Your Life,,, Anyone :cheers:
Ohh. Got a couple, I guess

Year 2000 was my best year of my life as I was offered once in a lifetime experience to go on a Rotary sponsored student exchange. I went to Canada and lived there for a year and learnt so many stuff and met so many people. Canada was also the place where I learned a new sign language: ASL.
It was truly a privilege for me to experience this. Everyone should do something like this!

Best day would be my 21st Birthday dinner. I looked glamorous and were complimented that I looked like a model! :D
Anyway, I had this dinner party with my siblings, mother and three of my friends. It took place on a summer night in the city. We dined in a Italian restaurant that overlooked the Yarra River. It was a splendid evening.