Reading a book while walking?

I was encouraging my daughter read books every night. About last week, I notice my daughter begin read a book while she is walking around in my home? I told her, please to sit and read a book. She said comfortable walk around and read a book.

Because Today I did test myself read a book while walk but couldn't concentrate it?

Could I strict tell my daughter to sit and read books? :hmm:

If she is ok walking and reading, I would let her do it. Anyway that kids read more is good, I think.

I agree with Botti. Plus your daughter is getting excercise! :)
I agree with Botti. Plus your daughter is getting excercise! :)

I have to agree with you, too. Boy, like your daughter, if we try to sit and read a book for five minutes, our legs will get the itch to start walking even for exercise to feel better, but it is also hard to put the book down if it is really, really interesting. :lol:
hey...your daughter is killing two birds with one stone. she is educating herself and at the same time exercising! Plus, she is learning how to multi-task which i think, is a good skill to have.

besides, when i go to the gym, i read a book when i am on the treadmill or bike. no difference.
I was encouraging my daughter read books every night. About last week, I notice my daughter begin read a book while she is walking around in my home? I told her, please to sit and read a book. She said comfortable walk around and read a book.

Because Today I did test myself read a book while walk but couldn't concentrate it?

Could I strict tell my daughter to sit and read books? :hmm:

because she's so young.... and we're so old. we can't multi-task anymore.
Nope I never walk while I read a book. I perfer to sit down and read as to concernate better.

** it's an instructional picture of telling people how to sit down lol
I don't think there's anything wrong with this. I love the fact that your daughter loves to read and would continue to encourage her to do so. I know alot of college students at my university who have bumped into me on campus because they were busy reading their textbooks. LOL. I always wished that I could read and walk at the same time, but I can't do that with Braille. :( However, I can listen to talking books on a digital or cassette player and take either with me when I go for a walk. :)
I do read book while walking sometimes, even read a book in car; only if on a straight and less curves roads.

It is good, that your daughter is reading books every night. :)
I think it's fine. I read while walking sometimes. Around the house definitely. I also have to walk down the hill I live on to get to the subway stop, and since it's just straight, on a sidewalk, and there's not a lot of cars, I'll sometimes read on my way down the hill and then on the subway. (Not now, though, cause it's cold, and my hands freeze ;) )

But yeah, definitely not on crowded roads, or roads that I wasn't familiar with, if I was outside. Around the house, though, I wouldn't worry. Just make sure to say "I told you so" if she trips on something she didn't see. :giggle:
aww cute!!! my girl do the same thing when she feels like walking and reading it. Just let her be until she finds in her own time to be comfortable, then she may sit down or not.

at least she is reading the book. :thumbup: cute cute!~
Of course let your daughter feels comfortable whatever she is doing while she is reading a book.

I do that often. I do read book while walking, even in a car (only if we are on turnpike or expressway-never, never on back roads with curves), while taking a hot bubble bath, cooking, lying flat on the floor, reading in the bright sun, etc...We need to get up sometimes to walk around or do something while reading on your butt all day! I do read books if the room is very loud, or even many times I didnt realize that the room was getting dark. I always take my book with me where ever I go no matter what. I would read a book in a long line while standing :D We cannot blame those page-turner books that were must read and so hard to let go!!! Thanks to many excellent authors for those books that are hard to put down!!! :D

Amen! lol :) Love those moments in bath tub reading!