

New Member
Jan 22, 2012
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So today I was talking to my university adviser, and for the first time, my hearing loss came up (as I've been fairly functional in the past, I didn't ever tell him).

He basically trivialised my hearing problems (I have severe losses in the low frequencies) and said that the problems I have happen to "everyone" and just generally made me feel like I should just 'deal with it' and live life like a 'normal' person.

Let him know you brought it up because it IS a problem. No, it doesn't happen to everyone. You came to him for help and he dismissed it. Approach him again and let him know you don't appreciate having your hearing loss trivialized.
Stop by the appropriate office for accomodations and ask for assistance. They are legally required to make accomodations for you. The people in that office can get your professor to help you (like providing written notes for you). So many professors are, well, absent minded professors. lol
My brother did that to me today. Ugh. Then we went to the store and I answered something he asked me from a little ways away and he said 'See? You heard that!'
He said if its only one ear it shouldn't matter if I get a hearing aid or not. At least he's just my brother and not a professor, though. My relatives aren't in charge of my grades or in a professional setting with me... I'd be angry if it was a teacher.