random stranger with a question or two :wave:

if you are being treated like that thru a forum then what makes you think you are going to be treated with any more respect in person? all i am saying is respect and kindness goes a long way....

So you are saying you have problems in your local deaf community and are coming here to harangue us about it?
So you are saying you have problems in your local deaf community and are coming here to harangue us about it?

No i am just saying its a horrible feeling to feel like you dont belong anywhere. Some people come here to look for help and get a few answers and belittling them is not the key. Treating everyone with love and respect goes a long way even if you have had people treat you rude there is no reason to reciprocate those actions because it does absolutely no good to anyone. My parents are deaf but i am hearing so i have been able to be immersed in both the deaf and hearing world. i will never know what exactly its like to be deaf because i am not, but i do know the struggles of being different.

That is all i am going to say about this topic because i dont want you to get all defensive and angry because we are all people who make mistakes and we are all on the same team. and im sorry if anyone was offended by things ive said because that is not my purpose here, but i just can not understand the notion of putting someone down...i hope you all have a beautiful day and remember kindness is key because you dont know everyones story.....
I am a "Hearie" in an Interpreter Training Program. From what I know, SEE uses suffixes like ing, ly, ed, where ASL uses context, and other tense markers to show these things. Not every sign has an exact English equivalent. where SEE does, and, is in English Word order. I'm no expert, but, I hope this helps, some. And, to everybody who is Deaf, I hope I got it right, or , hopefully, close!
And, to everybody who is Deaf, I hope I got it right, or , hopefully, close!

Lots of breaths? Comma key exploded? ;)

To OP- Did this today... It was raining, about .5 inch an hour by my guess (not a monsoon but not a light rain)

If I were to ask 10 English speaking people the same question how many different sentences would you expect back?

"How's the weather?"

3-It's pouring.
4-Great for ducks.
5-Raining cats and dogs.
6-pouring buckets.
8-200% humidity
9-Partially cloudy with 100% chance of local precipitation. (smart @s)
10- Weather? Where? I guess its snowing in the Arctic...
(geez another one, do I attract these people?)

There are many ways to express the idea - water falling from the sky that is not frozen- in English anywhere from one word answers to full sentences. Some are opinion, some are fact, some are well used idioms.