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New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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I was just looking at the ASL ONLY thread. It's pretty interesting. I also noticed one or two people wondering if they could write a fantasy story in ASL, or that they'd like to write a book. I know it isn't a written language (and not to be rude but if you can read English stories why bother?), but I was wondering, have any of you ever tried? If so, can I see? :giggle: Would something signed to another character be written in "" or just maybe written in caps? What about internal dialogue, written in italics? Or an I pulling too much from written English here?

I just thought it was an interesting concept. I'm not sure if it would or not, but seeing some examples might even help some people (people like me who learn weirdly) form a better grasp on ASL grammar. Or not. :P What do I know? (I don't know if it's even similar since Chinese is a verbal language with a written form, but when I was learning Chinese, it helped me to learn it on a literal level. EX: Lei(you) hai ng hai (are not are) ho (very) lan fan (tired)? or Ngo (I) dang gan (wait) lei (you) lie (come) ngo (my) ukeih (house.) Maybe it's because I'm LD, or just weird lol)

I know things can be signed many different ways depending on the person, but even just seeing one way it CAN be written/signed/executed/understood does seem to help. At least for me. Even something little like, "my trip to the store."

Hope I didn't offend anyone. I have a bad habit of wording things wrong, to the point where I look incredibly stupid/somehow insult someone.
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