Questions questions ;o)


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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hello I`m linda (13) from germany! We had to do a project about deaf people at school (like vanessa in 'I'm from germany'). and then I have thought, you`ll maybe can answer me some more questions:

-how long do you have this kind of disability?
-how do you deal with it?
and how did you learn to speak if you don`t understand your teacher or parents?

i hope i´ll get some answers and thanks in advance !
-how long do you have this kind of disability?

Since I was born deaf. I was perfectly fine, happy and healthy baby from day one to two years old until they messed with my right ear that leads my life to be destroy as is by oral method only.

-how do you deal with it?

Struggle with audist attitude people who dont think twice and thinks know it all about our deafness and their negative view of deafness. Think of oralism deaf people think of themselves as self centered too much that turns me off while I am a naturally d/Deaf with NO hearing aid that I quit a long time ago for a damn good reason, **RME**

and how did you learn to speak if you don`t understand your teacher or parents?

Lipreading ( not 100 percent) ASL with or without orally speaking. I always get lost whats going on with their debate feedbacks in hearing classrooms. I miss out a lot more than you think without having ASL and have a real gutter sign language interpreter. No one respect my needs and my rights after I stood up but they don t care. Well I love to confront to see if they can communicate with me well but NOT!

Hope it helps your feedback that you are looking for. ;)

Have a wonderful day! ;)

how long do you have this kind of disability?
Since hearing loss is genetic.
how do you deal with it?
Deal with it? What do you mean? My life isn't some huge tragedy b/c I am hoh. My hearing loss is just a part of me the way my blue eyes are. Sure I face problems......but those are the result of being a minority, rather then the physcial part of being hoh.
and how did you learn to speak if you don`t understand your teacher or parents?
In US we have speech therapists or speech teachers. I had speech therapy. With hearing aids I can hear quite a bit. Still always missed out on the subtilites.
-how long do you have this kind of disability?
When I born, I was hearing until three months old, I became very sick with named of "M" thats very long one that I cannot spell it. Until I became three years old, I finally became 100% deaf.

-how do you deal with it?
Its not bother me that much. But when it annoys me is, when people dont understand me when I ask them for pen and paper to writing, when people keeps talking to me everytime I say I cant hear when I point my ears and shake my head same like I cant hear you, when people pity me because Im deaf and I want them to know that I can do it, one thing that I cant is HEAR! Thats all. I knew there is few stuffs that is annoying me but not sure what it is.

and how did you learn to speak if you don`t understand your teacher or parents?
Honestly, I cant talk that really good. I only can say same like, "mom", "dad", "no", etc. But cant talking same like some of deaf people or my boyfriend, Sequoias can talk. Also, I only can read people's lips who are my closer same like friends, family. But mostly of time, I wouldnt understand them when they talk to me, I would only know what they say by, "No", "mom", etc like that. Just cheap words then I maybe can say it and maybe can understand them when they say it. Thats all.

I hope they help! :thumb:
hello we are linda and jana from germany,but our user name is vanessa.
we had to find out something about deaf it would be great if you answered our questions:

1. if you were born deaf,how did you learn to use your voice? long do you live with this disability?
3. how old are you ?

thanks in advance!
linda and jana