Question about CI

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The CI is in the head!

The brain is in the head!

Connected or not...they are both in the head. LOL!
Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
Except for one thng: The CI is not attached to the nerve. It's placed adjacent to the nerve. Near ( very near ). But, not attached. In your lovely meat cleaver analogy, there's space between severed, non-attached finger and intact hand. There's space between electrode and nerve fibers. Not attachment.

Near enough that when the electrical impulse is received, the nerve is touching.

Again, let's try to keep this contextual. You are obviously not accounting for synapses. Nerves are always non-touching until activated by stimulus and synapes are breached.

the electrode is completely within the cochlea and the nerve is 100% outside the cochlea.
but it does not make any sense at all. HA makes sense for your cellphone example... not CI.


CI is connected to brain via nerve. period. Same for advanced prosthetic leg with electrodes.

Hmm, well, yeah, same for my iPad, the lightbulb overhead, the sun. All "connected to" our brains, all stimulating our nerves. The universe is a sea of energy. Don't hurt yourself though, messing around too much with Vijñāna and quantum theory to prove a point like you are doing can cause migraines. :laugh2:
I'm joking with you here, but it's not a big deal. Everybody makes mistakes, misstates things at times. We are all human. Including the cyborgs among us, one asleep on my lap at the moment when she should have been practicing Kung Fu, the slacker. I am giving you a hard time about it instead of ignoring it bc i know you are smart and suspect that deep down you realize that you supported smeone else's not so smart contention, but you are so stubborn. I've done it too and have acknowledged it on this forum. We learn from one another. This just happens to be what I'm sure is a rare occasion for you, maybe you thought there was some direct attachment of electrode either to brain or nerve -- one of pfh's 2x4s from his previous analogy nailed in there -- when that isn't the case.

Look, I'm doing some research at the moment that might require me to eat some crow on another topic n this forum, so I'm aware of how nasty that tastes. Just let this go.
Hmm, well, yeah, same for my iPad, the lightbulb overhead, the sun. All "connected to" our brains, all stimulating our nerves. The universe is a sea of energy. Don't hurt yourself though, messing around too much with Vijñāna and quantum theory to prove a point like you are doing can cause migraines. :laugh2:
I'm joking with you here, but it's not a big deal. Everybody makes mistakes, misstates things at times. We are all human. Including the cyborgs among us, one asleep on my lap at the moment when she should have been practicing Kung Fu, the slacker. I am giving you a hard time about it instead of ignoring it bc i know you are smart and suspect that deep down you realize that you supported smeone else's not so smart contention, but you are so stubborn. I've done it too and have acknowledged it on this forum. We learn from one another. This just happens to be what I'm sure is a rare occasion for you, maybe you thought there was some direct attachment of electrode either to brain or nerve -- one of pfh's 2x4s from his previous analogy nailed in there -- when that isn't the case.

Look, I'm doing some research at the moment that might require me to eat some crow on another topic n this forum, so I'm aware of how nasty that tastes. Just let this go.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between HA and CI especially when it comes to comparing to cell phone.

oh well. I've got one more ticket left for a merry-go-around and then it's dinner time. Since you're doing some research now... I hope you'll find something that will show you why your reasoning is flawed by the time my ride ends :)
Perhaps... But in here I think more people like the "attached to the brain" because it scares people... The more horrifying a CI sounds, the better...

The brain is in NO way exposed when the CI is implanted inside the cochlea. It gives signals to the hearing-nerve, and is then going to the brain..


You have knocked it right out of the park! This whole "brain" argument is disingenuous and nothing more than a scare tactic but the reality is that it does not work for when people take the time to learn about the cochlear implant they soon realize that those using this scare tactic either do not know what they are talking about or are deliberately trying to spread misinformation or most probably, both!

It has not worked for them but they still desperately cling to it!

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You have been saying it for the last 3 pages...
Wiggling again? Or trolling?... AH.. Both

Watch out Cloggy, you know how it works around here, if you or I respond to a post its trolling and bingo - banned but a certain select few are allowed to comment and call names free of any reprisals!
So, the end of your finger isn't connected to your brain, either. Did you try my little experiment. I think you will conclude otherwise.

It isn't but your foot seems to be permanently connected to your mouth.
The hip is connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone, the knee bone is .....

All this senseless argument about whether the cochlear implant is connected, attached, glued or first cousin once removed to the brain; still does not detract from the fact that for thousands of people, the cochlear implant has given them the access to sound that they would not have otherwise been able to enjoy.

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The hip is connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone, the knee bone is .....

All this senseless argument about whether the cochlear implant is connected, attached, glued or first cousin once removed to the brain; still does not detract from the fact that for thousands of people, the cochlear implant has given them the access to sound that they would not have otherwise been able to enjoy.


who said they should not get CI? who? tell me.
Hmm, well, yeah, same for my iPad, the lightbulb overhead, the sun. All "connected to" our brains, all stimulating our nerves. The universe is a sea of energy. Don't hurt yourself though, messing around too much with Vijñāna and quantum theory to prove a point like you are doing can cause migraines. :laugh2:
I'm joking with you here, but it's not a big deal. Everybody makes mistakes, misstates things at times. We are all human. Including the cyborgs among us, one asleep on my lap at the moment when she should have been practicing Kung Fu, the slacker. I am giving you a hard time about it instead of ignoring it bc i know you are smart and suspect that deep down you realize that you supported smeone else's not so smart contention, but you are so stubborn. I've done it too and have acknowledged it on this forum. We learn from one another. This just happens to be what I'm sure is a rare occasion for you, maybe you thought there was some direct attachment of electrode either to brain or nerve -- one of pfh's 2x4s from his previous analogy nailed in there -- when that isn't the case.

Look, I'm doing some research at the moment that might require me to eat some crow on another topic n this forum, so I'm aware of how nasty that tastes. Just let this go.

No, it is not the same thing at all. The stiumli you are referring to are coming from the environment and are not transfered to electrical current via an implanted device. They are simply conducted down the nerve pathways. However, in the case of a cochlear implant, the neutral stimuli are not received, and therefore are not conducted unless an electronic device is implanted with electrodes that will create the necessary conditions.

I have no intention of reversing my stance, and especially not as long as the neurological evidence supports it. Sad as that may make you, it just isn't going to happen.

I suggest you begin your research with actual academic material and not Google it.
The hip is connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone, the knee bone is .....

All this senseless argument about whether the cochlear implant is connected, attached, glued or first cousin once removed to the brain; still does not detract from the fact that for thousands of people, the cochlear implant has given them the access to sound that they would not have otherwise been able to enjoy.


Such a superficial comprehension. I'm not surprised in the least

So, they have been given access to sound. You automatically assume that it is an experience of enjoyment? Why is that? Because you find your hearing to be an enjoyment to you?
It isn't but your foot seems to be permanently connected to your mouth.

And as I have stated before, you suffer a peculiar form of acquired deafness that occurs when one lives with their head up their ass most of the time.
Near enough that when the electrical impulse is received, the nerve is touching.

Again, let's try to keep this contextual. You are obviously not accounting for synapses. Nerves are always non-touching until activated by stimulus and synapes are breached.

I think you need to look this one up again. A CI is not a nerve, not a neuron, and it's not producing chemical signals, which is what cross synapses. That would be amazing work if surgeons were able to create connections from a CI a cell's width from the nerve, the space of a synapse away, and even more amazing technology if a CI were to assume the function of a neuron and convert its electrical impulses to chemical. CI's are amazing, yes, but not in the realm of what our own nerves can do.
I think you need to look this one up again. A CI is not a nerve, not a neuron, and it's not producing chemical signals, which is what cross synapses. That would be amazing work if surgeons were able to create connections from a CI a cell's width from the nerve, the space of a synapse away, and even more amazing technology if a CI were to assume the function of a neuron and convert its electrical impulses to chemical. CI's are amazing, yes, but not in the realm of what our own nerves can do.

Where did I say that a CI is any one of those things? I think perhaps you need to re-read.
Where did I say that a CI is any one of those things? I think perhaps you need to re-read.

Sure ... so you didn't really mean to suggest that the electrical impulse from the CI travels via synapse to the nerve ... you just brought up 'breaching' synapses for some unrelated reason?
Sure ... so you didn't really mean to suggest that the electrical impulse from the CI travels via synapse to the nerve ... you just brought up 'breaching' synapses for some unrelated reason?

Where exactly did I suggest that? You are confused. Perhaps you would do better with this if you would simply read what is written instead of trying to interpret it into something you can attempt to prove wrong.
And as I have stated before, you suffer a peculiar form of acquired deafness that occurs when one lives with their head up their ass most of the time.

Yes, and you were saying something about superficial comprehension? Gave you the bait and you took it as I knew you would because you always sink to the lowest level its where you exist best. It is where you truly belong.
Yes, and you were saying something about superficial comprehension? Gave you the bait and you took it as I knew you would because you always sink to the lowest level its where you exist best. It is where you truly belong.

One cannot help but sink to the lowest level when responding to you. You never get above it.:cool2:
So, let me get this straight. We have 3 or 4 people taking a position that the CI is not connected to the brain in any way, shape, or form. Okay. Hold that position. But, in order to believe that statement as the ultimate truth, you also have to take the position that the hearing aparatus in the individual with what is considered to be normal hearing is also, in no way, shape, or form connected to the brain. Are you really willing to make such a stand? Really. Really?
Mod's Note:

This thread is closed, as for the reasons... this thread is not getting anywhere as people are still bickering over the same thing again and again.
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