Psycho Dad Shreds Video Games


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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[ame=]Psycho Dad Shreds Video Games - YouTube[/ame]

It seems scripted and fake, but still kind of funny. Probably not the best way of parenting there; the dad could've just taken the console and hidden it and it would've achieved the same goal, although posting a video of it on YouTube with ads might generate a nice bit of income for them.

Even if it was real, the video is only three weeks old, those games are all old and only worth a few bucks each at EB.
They have plenty of other videos of their dad losing it and breaking their stuff.

yeah .. its scripted.
Now this boy can mow the lawn, fill in foods/seeds at several bird house locations, play in the playground, dig the mud and play with earthworm, do old fashioned teenager lifestyle.
the question is.... how did your kids end up with several games in the first place?

I blame school, peer pressure, every boys in school have at least xbox or ps4 or wii. They also trade games during the hallway breaks. :laugh2: Am I watching movie too much?
I blame school, peer pressure, every boys in school have at least xbox or ps4 or wii. They also trade games during the hallway breaks. :laugh2: Am I watching movie too much?

so how did they get xbox/ps4/wii in the first place? lol
When my youngest daughter was in middle school through out high school she did like to play a certain game a lot. But....we made a deal that she had to go to the gym at least three times a week, all home work was done first, chores done, and she had to go to bed on time. She thanks me now all the time. It's great when your kids tell you that they think you raised them right.
My boy helps a lot because he likes to make money. Of course he spends $$ on video games. Lol. We had already discussed about the priorities issues. So far he's doing ok. I still hope he continues to do with his things such as help, school, friends and more before the video games.