Profound hearing loss using nitro 301 bte


New Member
Oct 21, 2011
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hi there! i've been using my nitro 301 bte for about two weeks now. i can't compare it to anything as i have little experience with HAs. but i was wondering if someone here could help me.

i have profound unilateral hearing loss on my left ear and normal hearing on my right. since wearing the HA, i can hear sounds or vibrations of the sounds but i can't understand any speech. i still rely on my right ear for that.

is there a problem with the hearing aid or is it just my ears?

freq---- 250---- 500---- 1000---- 2000---- 4000---- 8000
AC----- 95------ 95------ 105------ 115------ 120------ 110
BC--------------- 60---- 75-------- 80-------- 75
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

It's not you - it's the reason that unilateral deafness is typically NOT treated that way.

I'd suggest looking into two other options which tend to work significantly better which are the CROS aid or a BAHA instead.

Most of the time aided the deaf side with SSD actually decreases global speech comprehension because the deaf side just "hears" noise.
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we have someone who's using the Nitros right now! (U can see Rongarrett popping up anytime)
and anij's right, there are Phonak CROS and Bicros aids you might LOVE to try :3
I think Dixie got a Cros from Starkey also, and I know she likes it.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I just wanted to add that all major manufactorers make CROS & BiCROS compatible HAs - infact the one you have right now may well be CROS compatible.

Typically CROS works best for those who were born with normal hearing bilaterally and became SSD.

I was born SSD (progressed to deaf right, hoh left) and when I tried CROS (BiCROS actually) instead of hearing better my brain was unable to understand any speech from either side - my hearing basically short circuited itself.

BAHA is also something that is definately worth looking into as it tends to work much better than CROS for SSD
My ENT told me about using CROS aids but i didn't think it mattered much because my right side has normal hearing. She also suggested doing the BAHA but the technology wherein there won't be an abutment protruding through the scalp hasn't reached my country yet. She wants me to wait for that and use a HA in the meantime.

Unfortunately, I've already bought the Nitro 301. Here in the Philippines, we don't have the luxury of week-long trials before purchasing a unit. The process is to get a PTA ST exam, choose a HA that fits your hearing loss, get a mold, adjust the settings, pay for it and get out into the world. =(
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

The CROS is made specifically (only) for those who have normal hearing on one side and are deaf on the other ... It's exactly what you're looking for.

Id see if the Nitro you have is CROS compatible (then you'd just need to get the second part of the CROS system and have your current nitro re-programmed)
One more thing - if your Audiologist told you that CROS want NOT for you because you have Single Sided Deafness, or didn't explain to you that CROS is actaully EXACTLY what you should be getting (that or BAHA)- THEY made a huge mistake. I would say that a mistake that big should allow you to return the HA and get the proper HA for what you need.

Also, I'd contact Siemens directly if you aren't able to return the HA because they may be able to do something about that as well... but contact your Audiologist TODAY/TOMORROW about this as time matters in getting you the right thing (and the Nitro isn't going to work for you as it is right now ... honest)