President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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you actually believe that abortion is worse than the holocaust? you actually condone the killing of millions of jews more than you do abortions?

No of course she doesn't. Maria likes jews. But she also likes babies too.

Hitler dehumanised jews then killed them.
The pro abotion movement dehumanises fetuses by calling them 'parasites' and then kills them.

One is done for racist reasons and the other is done for ageist reasons. That's the only differance.
So you agree that a pregnant woman is called a "mother." That means, it is a baby inside of her. Therefor, if she has an abortion, the mother is allowing someone to kill her baby.:hmm:

They can't provide us with a source because their believe is based on political jargon and untrue facts. It's as simple as that. Yes and steriotyping pro lifers as 'religious nutters' and fetuses as 'parasites'. Since their pro abortion beliefs are emotion based not fact based they have nothing to show.

sorry but all the sources are available at Roe v. Wade case file. Too bad that pro-lifers lost. I wonder why..... (*hint - see bolded print)
When abortion was illegal in the USA, only the abortionists were prosecuted. The women were not prosecuted. So there would be no need to build prisons for women.

Do you ask the same question about the prosecuting of any criminals?

Why would existing children need more foster care?

I'll be happy to answer any questions that make sense.

LOL, those questions DO make sense. What DOESN'T make sense are you ANSWERS.

1. WHERE does the funding for MORE prisons come from? We would need THOUSANDS of more prisons.

2. WHERE does the funding for prosecuting women and doctors come from?

3. WHERE do children of women who have had abortions go? There are already MILLIONS of homeless children.
No of course she doesn't. Maria likes jews. But she also likes babies too.

Hitler dehumanised jews then killed them.
The pro abotion movement dehumanises fetuses by calling them 'parasites' and then kills them.

One is done for racist reasons and the other is done for ageist reasons. That's the only differance.

So being for illegal abortion makes you a nazi who is for women dying of illegal abortion, right? Or does it make you a nazi for forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy?
Not true.

Steralization on demand would solve that one. It's the most sure way of not creating any unwanted pregnancies. In adition to that women who change their mind can adopt. So decreasing children in care.

On top of that all child abusers will have to be steralized so they don't produce and abuse more children.

You think we should FORCE sterilization? Hell to the no, I don't want to live in fucking facist communist china, kthx.
Don't say that out of spite/anger Shawn... I'm of China heritage myself and the country isn't what it used to be. In fact, China's government is very loosely trying to follow our fellow states of America today.. it's just they haven't publicly labeled it.
You think we should FORCE sterilization? Hell to the no, I don't want to live in fucking facist communist china, kthx.

That's stupid comment that I had seen, some countries, such as Ireland and Brazil has banned on most of abortion, except for serious reason.

It's not fascist country when abortion in country is outlaw. :roll:
no parent "forces" their daughter to have an abortion. it is the teenage mother who chooses to have an abortion -- no one else. besides, if a teenage mother allows a doctor to touch her body, she is giving him/her permission to conduct an abortion.

If the daughter is a minor--the parents have the right to have the abortion performed on her.

FYI, I believe that by abortin' unwanted fetuses are the worse than Holocaust ( Jews durin' WW2 ). Abortion is very high rate than the numbers of deceased Jewish people ( Holocaust ).

Guess what, Jiro ? I am seein' that the abortion is now called " Holocaust ". :mad2:

Comparing Abortion to the Holocaust are two different topics. First of all--there is no comparison.

This tactic is nothing but an emotional--knee jerk reaction. :roll: Which I have to say--I'm not happy at you Maria for making the above statement as I had family members perished in the Holocaust.

Abortion Statistics

and still countin'.........

Abortion is also labeled as " genocide " and " infanticide ".

Definition of Genocide: WordNet Search - 3.0 . Noun (n) genocide, race murder, racial extermination (systematic killing of a racial or cultural group

Definition of Infanticide: WordNet Search - 3.0 . Noun
S: (n) infanticide (a person who murders an infant)
S: (n) infanticide (murdering an infant).

The infant is already detached from the host. When a person kills the infant--usually the mother--that is known as infanticide.
Don't say that out of spite/anger Shawn... I'm of China heritage myself and the country isn't what it used to be. In fact, China's government is very loosely trying to follow our fellow states of America today.. it's just they haven't publicly labeled it.

Facist/communist China did force abortions and sterilization, it's not anger when it's facts. And it's not like I'm calling YOU facist because you're chinese. Forcing sterilization is facism.
If the daughter is a minor--the parents have the right to have the abortion performed on her.

Comparing Abortion to the Holocaust are two different topics. First of all--there is no comparison.

Of course, I know that. I wasn't born yesterday.

This tactic is nothing but an emotional--knee jerk reaction. :roll: Which I have to say--I'm not happy at you Maria for making the above statement as I had family members perished in the Holocaust.

I don't think you understand my view. I was talkin' about the NUMBERS, not the Jewish people itself. I was talkin' about the unborn fetuses' numbers that are climbin' very HIGH. FYI, my fiance's family members perished in the Holocaust as well and he understands what I talked about. Holocaust and the abortion are 2 different things, yes but the numbers of which one is high.... the abortion is more than the Holocaust, because it is STILL climbin' and it won't stop. Understand ?

Definition of Genocide: WordNet Search - 3.0 . Noun (n) genocide, race murder, racial extermination (systematic killing of a racial or cultural group

Definition of Infanticide: WordNet Search - 3.0 . Noun
S: (n) infanticide (a person who murders an infant)
S: (n) infanticide (murdering an infant).

The infant is already detached from the host. When a person kills the infant--usually the mother--that is known as infanticide.

Doesn't matter - it means all the same. Kill is kill is kill, period.
No of course she doesn't. Maria likes jews. But she also likes babies too.

Hitler dehumanised jews then killed them.
The pro abotion movement dehumanises fetuses by calling them 'parasites' and then kills them.

One is done for racist reasons and the other is done for ageist reasons. That's the only differance.

Yep, I am glad you understand. :hug:
Every time the pro-life side compares abortion to the holocaust I can't take it seriously. It's going for an emotional appeal and all it achieves is pissing off the pro-choice side and enforcing pro-choice views.
Doesn't matter - it means all the same. Kill is kill is kill, period.

keep crying. I don't think there is any need for me to continue this silly debate because Uncle Sam agreed has ruled in pro-choice favor. TOUGH LUCK! All I can say is USA Supreme Court and entire medical community do not agree with you. My future wife, future daughter, and all women can enjoy this privilege of choosing abortion for themselves - without interference. :wave:

Now I will moonwalk my way out out this fallacious abortion thread that always got nowhere. Sorry pro-lifers. better luck next time. Roe v. Wade's here to stay.
Every time the pro-life side compares abortion to the holocaust I can't take it seriously. It's going for an emotional appeal and all it achieves is pissing off the pro-choice side and enforcing pro-choice views.

It's nothing to be new because you are ultra liberal and don't accept our personal view, compare with abortion and holocaust are far more dumb that I had seen and you want take our state rights away.
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