So men like you all over the world like violence so much that there is no feeling for compassion and humanity. Wars does not solve anything to try to have peace no matter what colors and religions including our cultures. Police departments across the country are going to be like the military environment. That would be the State Police which is very bad for our society. That is why people want to protest against violence between cops and the person who had no choice on having a chance of tell their sides of their story on why a person did it and why the cops did it.
Also a person who is a civilian are not suppose to have guns at all but NRA and other like the Police department don't care and would rather kill like as if we were animals whether we are innocent or not innocent.
We are people, not some garbage that make the cops throw us away. There has to be a solution in the right way that would have the cops protect and to serve as peace officers. Not like the cops who refuse to listen to us or to be understanding us as we are different in our own way. We were being forced to do what the cops want us to do. It has nothing to do with danger at all. There might have been bad men who want to do corrupt things and yes, men need to be arrest and go to jail for being corrupt on their part against the law.
But still the cops are not listening to their pleas at all. They just want to do away with them for no reason at all. That is what make us upset over this incidents. There is no professional skills in doing the right thing to help and be calm with the person who has problems whether bad or good. That is what the peace officers should be to protect and to serve.
The reason why I say this is because there was a homeless man who slept on the cliff near the bridge (not sure of the location in New Mexico) and the cops came over to tell him that he was not suppose to be at the cliff. He had mental illness and he was going to put the clothes into his bag when one of the cops shot him and kill him right there. There was no weapon(s) on him. The homeless man never had a chance to live and explain why he chose the site to sleep in. Those cops are not peace officers at all. That is what make the people in Albuquerque, New Mexico got upset over this incident.