Pope was a member of the Hitler Youth.

^Angel^ said:
WOW :::speechless:::

And you think the Germany goverment will actually collect true evidence?...They could easy lie as they brainwashed those people in the first place....

I honestly don't know what to say about this, I mean I'm not going to do this if the American government were to kill innocent people or children just cause of their race, I won't be no part of this....

Because Hilter do for his people, get them jobs, treat them fair.... etc. etc. They thinks Hilter is great... until WWII is over... this is so... :(

Hilter time is total different as now... Look the example about Saddam Hussein, the people do what he said because they are scared... They are free and happy when Saddam gone...

Hilter got his people to kill racist because the racist are not acceptance in his "proud" country. Like what I said in my last post.
^Angel^ said:
I'm curious Leibling, As you said above, the Germany government had force those young children to joined the " Youth Hilter group " in order to keep themselves alive, let's say what if, the germany government had told this young teenager boy to kill his little sister? will he go that far in order to save his own life?....

The way I see it, it's like they have a choice in this, either they become a murder just like those nazi, or they can refused it by not getting involved, it may cost them their lives, but can they live for the rest of their lives knowing what they have done to those innocent children and wish they could have changed something back then? by being able to at least try to save those people and the children lives from being killed....They must have knew what Nazi had done to many many women and children, Those nazi killed those women and children out of the most cruel, cold heart act of murder!!!

One of those people that were killed by the Nazi could have been a friend , a brother, a sister, a mother, a father or anyone that they may knew back then , will you rather to be part of this cruel act of murder just to keep yourself alive?...

I'm sorry for bring this up but I don't quite understand this, if you care to please explain this to me.. :ily:

I hope my posts make you understand clear... If not, I don´t mind to explain you again.

Yes, I know it´s very very very sad...

Yes, I was brainwashed by British Government because I born and raised there. I thought Germans are bad and satan until I am older and learn more about Germany and realized slowly that Germans can´t help it that they were forced by Hilter/Nazi party to do something.

I met my husband and learn alot from Germans since I live in Germany... I collected from them what they had suffered during Nazi time. Sign lanuages is not allow in the public. Nazi hitted their hands with with stock if they saw them use sign languages because it´s "horrible" and "ugly". Some of them killed and also sterised to stop to have babies. I realized how Germans suffered thru Nazi time, that´s not what the people from other countries think bad about them and stamp them "Nazi" because they are Germans, also stamp them as "Nazi blood". What a horrible.

Yes, Germans were not proud what they did their job what Hilter/Nazi wants. It got them nightmare...
I've heard from other people saying that the pope never even joined the nazi community. they said it's just a pack of lies. I'm just wondering if you really get this from the newspaper or on TV but not on the internet...so you know not everything you hear from the news is always true anyway. I'm not saying it's true or not that he has joined the hitler youth but that could be a possiblity.
^Angel^ said:
WOW :::speechless:::

And you think the Germany goverment will actually collect true evidence?...They could easy lie as they brainwashed those people in the first place....

I honestly don't know what to say about this, I mean I'm not going to do this if the American government were to kill innocent people or children just cause of their race, I won't be no part of this....

And what makes you think that the US doesn't do it, or never did it in the past? I wouldn't be surprised how Americans are brainwashed about the Islams and Muslims, and how the government actively encourage that fear to ferment. Islams and Muslims are as innocent as Americans are, it's just the stupid radical groups that wreck havoc on everything.
kuifje75 said:
And what makes you think that the US doesn't do it, or never did it in the past? I wouldn't be surprised how Americans are brainwashed about the Islams and Muslims, and how the government actively encourage that fear to ferment. Islams and Muslims are as innocent as Americans are, it's just the stupid radical groups that wreck havoc on everything.

I didn't say that and you are trying to changing the subject here, beside I wasn't in no such a group like those Nazi beside if America government had killed innocent Islams and Muslim then I was no part of this, even through I live in American it doesn't mean I support what the government does and if I was to forced to join such a group where I were to killed many innocent women and children, I would rather die then being part of something like this....You have a choice, you either be like them or you do what is right by trying to save the lives of many innocent people....I know how every govenment may have many flaws in them and of course they may brainwashed alot of people, either you fall for it, or you don't get involved...If it cost my life then be it....I rather to do the right thing then trying to remain alive and waking up from a nightmare everyday for the rest of my life knowing what I had done by murdering those innocent people...Is that something I rather to live in? ...I think not!...
Liebling:-))) said:
Because Hilter do for his people, get them jobs, treat them fair.... etc. etc. They thinks Hilter is great... until WWII is over... this is so... :(

Hilter time is total different as now... Look the example about Saddam Hussein, the people do what he said because they are scared... They are free and happy when Saddam gone...

Hilter got his people to kill racist because the racist are not acceptance in his "proud" country. Like what I said in my last post.

I understand Liebling, Hilter was a powerful man, of course those germany people were fear of him, And I'm not blaming those young children such as yourself cause you were raised that way, how would you have known, you were just an innocent child who didn't know the truth in all of this.... :(
^Angel^ said:
I wasn't in no such a group like those Nazi beside if America government had killed innocent Islams and Muslim then I was no part of this, even through I live in American it doesn't mean I support what the government does and if I was to forced to join such a group where I were to killed many innocent women and children, I would rather die then being part of something like this....

Exactly... Because you live in America does not mean you support the government, but the government still reigns over you, making laws that you do not like. This is same thing that the Germans tolerated when they were under the Nazi dicatorship. Some Germans didn't support the govt, but still had to do things because it was the law. I am not being off the point because I am illustrating an example and parallel to today's issues to clarify what I am trying to explain. Because a pope was part of the Hitler's Youth group does not mean that he supported the organisation or the Nazi Party.
kuifje75 said:
Exactly... Because you live in America does not mean you support the government, but the government still reigns over you, making laws that you do not like. This is same thing that the Germans tolerated when they were under the Nazi dicatorship. Some Germans didn't support the govt, but still had to do things because it was the law. I am not being off the point because I am illustrating an example and parallel to today's issues to clarify what I am trying to explain. Because a pope was part of the Hitler's Youth group does not mean that he supported the organisation or the Nazi Party.

You do have a very good point here, and I do agree, Thank-you Kuifje!....