POLL-Mario? Link? Donkey Kong?

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Who'll win in this madness raging uncontrollable battle?

-Link (Zelda series)

-Mario (Super Mario series)

-Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong series)
Originally posted by Steel
Who'll win in this madness raging uncontrollable battle?

-Link (Zelda series)

-Mario (Super Mario series)

-Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong series)

Link, because he is very skilled at being a swordman.
Go play the Super Smash Bros. Melee... maybe you'll find out the answer yourself.
Originally posted by Banjo
Go play the Super Smash Bros. Melee... maybe you'll find out the answer yourself.

i remmied that original Mario game that came along with Duck Hunt (2-in-1) on the old Nintendo 8-bit ..... whoo i remmied that my sister, brother, and me used to play it all the time back in the early 90s ..... ahhh memories
Link have too many weapons

Mario have weird goofy power

Donkey Kong is just simple strong rage animal.

Therefore, Link have protect himself and use sword and slice both butt off!