Please vote for my puppy!


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hi Everyone!

My sweet fuzzball, a 2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Wyatt Earp, has a favor to ask you! He is entered in a photo contest...the prize is a really neat art print of his cute mug for his adoring owner to hang in her grooming shop. His sisters won last year, and he's feeling a little left out as there are no artprints of him hanging in his moms' grooming shop for people to enjoy. He really wants to win, he's always being overshadowed by his much larger (and not as cute, he thinks) Great Dane sisters. So he really would love some of his own time in the spotlight...

Will you help him win? Please go to Vote Here!

and enter ID number 34780 which will bring you to Wyatt's entry. He's a little embarassed that mom chose to use his first bath photo, but he still thinks he deserves a 10 ;)

Please vote, you can only vote once per computer, and pass this along to any other dog lovers who you think will help Wyatt earn his 15 minutes of fame! The voting ends next Tues morning, so please help keep those votes coming in.

Woof Woof!!

Wyatt Earp and Seri (his adoring mom)
Hi, I helped your dog win and scored a 10 for your dog. Awesome and cute dog. His first dog bath. You are welcome and you are in my prayers. God Bless from a dog lover. I got my own dog , a German Shepard, she is still a puppy. I :ily: my puppy.
Aw how cute, I voted, let us know if you win, Good luck! ;)
THank you sooooooo much everyone! Much appreciated, anyone that did vote already or will vote yet :)
I voted!!!!!! :lol: how cute of the dog that look like scare and staring at the camera heheh :lol:
Voted 10 for your cute dog. I used to have a dog like yours when I was a little girl :)
awww it is so adorable !! My husband always wants to adopt this kind of dog.

We vote 10