Please take a look! D:

Ultimate Chimera

New Member
May 19, 2013
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Okay, I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem with their cochlear implant, so I'll explain about the problem with my cochlear implant.

Well, when I was 7 (, 10 years ago?), I had my cochlear implant implanted and activated in the left ear. No problems at all!

Over time, my left ear became infected so I had to have the cochlear implant removed as it posed a potential risk.

And I had it installed in my right ear, and for a time it was fine. Worked perfectly.

I discontinued the use of the cochlear implant device about five years ago, with the implant still present in my ear.

And lately, I've been picking up noises in the area where my device would normally be positioned, even though the device isn't used anymore. I can hear stuff like voices, dogs barking, even though the sounds aren't very clear; rather, they're kind of "foggy". :shock:

I can't tell you what device it was I used, because I was way too young back then, but I can tell you that the device was meant to sit on my ear, almost like hearing aids.

Occasionally, I get pain deep within my right ear but they pass away after a short time. I mean, I've had this thing for half my life.


Any idea what this might be? Is this bad? D:

Please answer as soon as you can. :ty:
Any idea what this might be? Is this bad? D:

The best person to ask is your ENT doctor, preferably one that has CI surgery experience.

No idea what is going on in your head, but, your case sounds similar to another woman I know of that had a CI, and had it removed to prevent seizures, and suddenly experienced occassional bursts of hearing things.

In her case, her ears were fine all this time, but something was wrong between her cochlea and brain, cutting off the transmittal of sounds....of course doctors don't know why....but, like many stumped ENT doctors, they said "let's try a CI and see if it helps you hear!"

If you suddenly got some hearing back, it is worth investigating to see if wearing a HA would be of any help.

Let us know what your doctor says.
I doubt replacing a CI would cause this money is on an organic anomaly. If the OP was near a magnetic field when she heard the sounds, maybe...
I doubt replacing a CI would cause this money is on an organic anomaly. If the OP was near a magnetic field when she heard the sounds, maybe...

I'm not near a magnetic field, at least not to my knowledge. I just stay at home, hearing these sounds, and I never stop hearing even if I go outside and do something.
No idea what is going on in your head, but, your case sounds similar to another woman I know of that had a CI, and had it removed to prevent seizures, and suddenly experienced occassional bursts of hearing things.

In her case, her ears were fine all this time, but something was wrong between her cochlea and brain, cutting off the transmittal of sounds....of course doctors don't know why....but, like many stumped ENT doctors, they said "let's try a CI and see if it helps you hear!"

Could you elaborate more on that to see if her case is exactly like mine, please? And could you possibly provide a way to contact her?

And I'd go see a doctor, but I'm in a location where I cannot contact my doctor right now (I'm on vacation), and the last time I visited him was... literally seven years ago. Is this bad if you are supposed to do regular check-ups regarding the CI? I'm worried.