Phonak are releasing new hearing aid!

That looks interesting but the new super power aid is still not as powerful as the Naida SP or UP.

And it's only the M aid that has good water resistant rating. Why can't they do the most powerful?

With people that need less powerful aids, I believe these new aids would be really cool :)
The speech in wind feature looks good. Something that I would find useful. Hope that comes in the new versions of the Naidas.
It looks like the entry model will have 12 channels instead of the 6 with Naida S IIIs but the mid range model and top end model will have the same number of channels as naida with 12 and 20, respectively.

I got the information from the following documents:


I think 20 would be a boost from my A++ model. It may be time to upgrade..
I think 20 would be a boost from my A++ model. It may be time to upgrade..

I had an appointment with a new audiologist today (I just moved to a new city) and luckily this audiologist told me to bring my fiancé. He was a big help.

My pure tone thresholds are now 102 and 105 dB. She mentioned that the new remote mic might be a good alternative to FM for me but my Naida III (not spice generation) might not be compatible.
She did order DAI boots for me to use with my old school FM.
She did say that the new aids are not meant for severe to profound hearing loss. Most companies only introduce an actual superpower hearing aid every 5ish years because there isn't a big market whereas there are so many people my parent's age (early 60's) who have mild to moderate hearing loss who are in the market for all the bells and whistles.
I had an appointment with a new audiologist today (I just moved to a new city) and luckily this audiologist told me to bring my fiancé. He was a big help.

My pure tone thresholds are now 102 and 105 dB. She mentioned that the new remote mic might be a good alternative to FM for me but my Naida III (not spice generation) might not be compatible.
She did order DAI boots for me to use with my old school FM.
She did say that the new aids are not meant for severe to profound hearing loss. Most companies only introduce an actual superpower hearing aid every 5ish years because there isn't a big market whereas there are so many people my parent's age (early 60's) who have mild to moderate hearing loss who are in the market for all the bells and whistles.

Can understand them not making hearing aids that are that powerful. Hope the time comes soon as the speech in wind features I like :)
I find having my ha's not work together kind of annoying actually because I have to change both seperately...the most annoying part is that since they are both different ha's one SP and one UP they don't also work both together with FM or my iCom. This was one of my difficulties with school. I could only hear from one ear out of my stethoscope and that wasn't adequate enough. A hearing person needs two so a deaf person trying to identify sounds like lung sounds definitely needs two not one, which is one of the reasons I dropped nursing.
I find having my ha's not work together kind of annoying actually because I have to change both seperately...the most annoying part is that since they are both different ha's one SP and one UP they don't also work both together with FM or my iCom. This was one of my difficulties with school. I could only hear from one ear out of my stethoscope and that wasn't adequate enough. A hearing person needs two so a deaf person trying to identify sounds like lung sounds definitely needs two not one, which is one of the reasons I dropped nursing.

Ah no, I can see why that is annoying. I have my fingers crossed for getting the CI and fingers crossed you dont have to wait 3 years :(
Ah no, I can see why that is annoying. I have my fingers crossed for getting the CI and fingers crossed you dont have to wait 3 years :(

Thanks NaidaUP ...I am truly hoping I don't have to wait that long either
The new remote mic to go with the ComPilot, is that basically a version of a FM system?

Just been looking at it on Phonak website and it looks like it.

Wonder how much cheaper it is compared to a FM system?
Thanks NaidaUP ...I am truly hoping I don't have to wait that long either

Can't see you waiting that long. You should get your mom to come with you to help you argue your case when you have the hint test :)
I actually got an email today from the audi, who was MUCH nicer than usual, she CC'd another audi who apparently is going to make another appt to do the HINT test over before march :) Hopefully the other audi emails me back soon with a sooner date and time. This was the email...

Hi Alicia,

I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks for keeping me informed about your situation. I would like to see you earlier but unfortunately my schedule is extremely busy. I would not be able to see you before the date provided to you in March. However as an alternative, Chantal, an audiologist with many years of experience in our department could see you earlier. I have copied Chantal on this email so that you can make arrangements with her to book for the testing required by Dr. Schramm.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to communicate with us.



A heck of a lot nicer than My guess is that she heard that my mom wasn't too happy with the way she's treated me in the past
I actually got an email today from the audi, who was MUCH nicer than usual, she CC'd another audi who apparently is going to make another appt to do the HINT test over before march :) Hopefully the other audi emails me back soon with a sooner date and time. This was the email...

Hi Alicia,

I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks for keeping me informed about your situation. I would like to see you earlier but unfortunately my schedule is extremely busy. I would not be able to see you before the date provided to you in March. However as an alternative, Chantal, an audiologist with many years of experience in our department could see you earlier. I have copied Chantal on this email so that you can make arrangements with her to book for the testing required by Dr. Schramm.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to communicate with us.



A heck of a lot nicer than My guess is that she heard that my mom wasn't too happy with the way she's treated me in the past

Awesome. That is good news :)
I think it's awesome that you benefit so much from wearing both. I find if I wear both it just makes it harder because I hear even more noise. Both my aids are just noisy. The only time I don't mind my hearing aids is when I'm by myself in my house and I'm reading or something :) hahaha lol

I know exactly how you feel. With my hearing aids (Naida III daz) I can hear my fiancé so well and I can hear leafs crunch and the TV al long as it is quiet.
At school (graduate/medical school) I can't understand my classmates even in a semi-quiet study room (so much reverberation and noise).

I accidentally started referring to sound as "noise" a few years ago but I think that illustrates the quality of sound I am able to perceive with my damaged cochleas even with hearing aids.
I know exactly how you feel. With my hearing aids (Naida III daz) I can hear my fiancé so well and I can hear leafs crunch and the TV al long as it is quiet.
At school (graduate/medical school) I can't understand my classmates even in a semi-quiet study room (so much reverberation and noise).

I accidentally started referring to sound as "noise" a few years ago but I think that illustrates the quality of sound I am able to perceive with my damaged cochleas even with hearing aids.

Same I equate sound as noise now too...or for the most part anyway. I also refer to conversations and people speaking as noise. Today we had movers come give an estimate and while the two guys were talking to my mom I was like this :shock: because I couldn't follow the conversation AT ALL. And then today at practice I had just one HA on cuz I forgot one at home and all I could hear at one point was the stupid fan! So my coach turned it off and opened the garage door to let some cool air in instead. I can't win lol

At least If I had the CI it won't pick up everything cuz it doesn't amplify. I am hoping to be implanted with cochlear and to really use the zoom feature. It would really help in certain situations like at work and sometimes at cheer.
Same I equate sound as noise now too...or for the most part anyway. I also refer to conversations and people speaking as noise. Today we had movers come give an estimate and while the two guys were talking to my mom I was like this :shock: because I couldn't follow the conversation AT ALL. And then today at practice I had just one HA on cuz I forgot one at home and all I could hear at one point was the stupid fan! So my coach turned it off and opened the garage door to let some cool air in instead. I can't win lol

At least If I had the CI it won't pick up everything cuz it doesn't amplify. I am hoping to be implanted with cochlear and to really use the zoom feature. It would really help in certain situations like at work and sometimes at cheer.

I am also hoping to get a CI.
I had a chance to get a CI last year but I was afraid about my ability to hear low frequency sounds after the CI (since the electrode arrays don't actually cover the whole cochlea (yeah, Med El claims to have complete cochlear coverage but they, to my knowledge, do not have stimulation of the whole cochlea)).
All I've been able to hear for the past 10ish years is low frequency sound. My fiancé is hearing and an amazing bass singer. I can't hear him when he is singing in choir but I can when I'm next to him and I cherish that.

But I should have gone for the CI before I turned 26 and lost my mom's awesome insurance.
I am also hoping to get a CI.
I had a chance to get a CI last year but I was afraid about my ability to hear low frequency sounds after the CI (since the electrode arrays don't actually cover the whole cochlea (yeah, Med El claims to have complete cochlear coverage but they, to my knowledge, do not have stimulation of the whole cochlea)).
All I've been able to hear for the past 10ish years is low frequency sound. My fiancé is hearing and an amazing bass singer. I can't hear him when he is singing in choir but I can when I'm next to him and I cherish that.

But I should have gone for the CI before I turned 26 and lost my mom's awesome insurance.

I have a few friends that have CIs. They wear a CI in one ear for high frequency and a HA in the other ear for low frequency sounds.
Doing it this way, they say they get the best of both worlds, lows and highs.

One friend went from Phonak Supero to Phonak Naida S and she says with the extended bass boost in the Naida, it works a lot better.
The other friend made the change from the Phonak Naida CORE which has standard bass boost to the Phonak Naida S with has extended bass boost and she believes it is also much better along with the CI.