Personal Pager or Wi-Fi pager

Do you mean that a dog need a rechargeable battery? :giggle:

I have two small dogs: Jack Russell and Basenji. Basenji usually come to me if someone is knocking the door. It is not easy for me to train them. Jack Russell is very stubborn dog, and she all cares to go after squirrels and chipmunks in my backyard. She jumps higher back and forth waiting for me to open the door. She almost bite my hand when opening the doorknob because she has no patience to get out of the house and chase them.

I am not so sure about a dog for rhr. He has a special wheelchair. I recalled his posts in the past. I like the idea, but it is probably not suitable... I can't wait for stem-cells that would success him.
that Dog is MORE replace!
1) feed
2) must walk every morning
3) wash hair
4) dog's dirty on floor, clean up floor
5) bad smell, buy spray
6) problem damage things
lot of $$$$$$$ than no fee battery for balckberry, sidekick, cell
but personal pager battery fee for every 4 months

yeah! no batteries to replace.
Lol, you are good!

that No Good for
* Dog
- problem won't tell personal

* Light Flash
- some room not have light flash
- signel listen can't to eyes
- extra light flash $$$$$$ cost $100 per one, if rooms are five, mean $500 than one personal page $100 for any room, toliet, hide closet, workshop, outside

Personal Pager But bad News
Personal Pager by deaf technology problem re-battery 4 months dead and replace rechair battery
but why Blackberry, sidekick, cell's battery is strong lifttime about 3 to 7 1/2 days standby and good feed recharge battery won't dead until one year or more

I need good strong recharge battery for personal pager
but I not want deaf technology becuase they are not smart how use battery or recharge battery in Personal Pager

I idea Door Bell and Phone use Wi-Fi send to Blackberry, Sidekick, Cell, easy
I found ::Control 4 Everyday Easy:: have many switch light with wi-fi. my friend have it, work bell door, phone into wi-fi on boxes from control4. Myabe Control will work door bell, phone to BB, SK, Cell with Wi-Fi

Do you mean that a dog need a rechargeable battery? :giggle:

I have two small dogs: Jack Russell and Basenji. Basenji usually come to me if someone is knocking the door. It is not easy for me to train them. Jack Russell is very stubborn dog, and she all cares to go after squirrels and chipmunks in my backyard. She jumps higher back and forth waiting for me to open the door. She almost bite my hand when opening the doorknob because she has no patience to get out of the house and chase them.

I am not so sure about a dog for rhr. He has a special wheelchair. I recalled his posts in the past. I like the idea, but it is probably not suitable... I can't wait for stem-cells that would success him.
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I realized that Mark Rejhon is right about the X10 products. Actually, I was trying to avoid a third party company because of the extra money. There are so many of them on the internet so nothing that I can do about the 3rd parties. The one that I found and seems like it - X10 Wireless Remote Control System which is on X10 Wireless Remote Control System - 4000 at The Home Depot It's a reasonable price. I did not know that Home Depot sells many different X10 products.

There are more on the list that I found on google:

HomeSettings by Intermatic


GE SmartHome Products by jasco Products Company

If you found an automatic home system and a Silent Call pager with some Silent devices, they will be perfect for you.

I understand your concern about the battery issue. I would say that some batteries run much longer than the other batteries. It is just out of your luck that you bought a poor battery. Most batteries made in China. The another way to make your battery boost up more by leaving the battery really empty first, then recharge it all day. Last resort, you should try to contact the manufacturer that you bought the pager for the warranty so that maybe you will get a new battery. I believe that this will work.
Now, I bought three Silent products: a Good Vibration pager, a telephone transmitter, and a doorbell.

I also have an Alertmaster AM-6000 in my other room, and I use this for doorbell and phone.

I hooked up two phone lines to my Silent telephone transmitter and AM-6000 with a split Y for my VP-200. It is a wonderful and they gave me a peaceful mind. Oh, I see the lamp go off and on & my pager is vibrating. Someone is calling me on my VP right now. I gotta go and find out who is calling me.

I ordered online - three X10 personal keychains remotes and an X10 Switcher Module for my front light when I come home at night and use the remote to turn the light on. I realized that I have an outdoor lamp motor detector, and I have not installed it yet. I am not sure why I ordered the X10 stuff. I feel a little stupid. Maybe, I still need them.
Yes, same I have Alertmaster AM-6000 is very good but Peronal Pager is very problem re-charge battery after 4 month but no refill becuase it is wire

Now, I bought three Silent products: a Good Vibration pager, a telephone transmitter, and a doorbell.

I also have an Alertmaster AM-6000 in my other room, and I use this for doorbell and phone.

I hooked up two phone lines to my Silent telephone transmitter and AM-6000 with a split Y for my VP-200. It is a wonderful and they gave me a peaceful mind. Oh, I see the lamp go off and on & my pager is vibrating. Someone is calling me on my VP right now. I gotta go and find out who is calling me.

I ordered online - three X10 personal keychains remotes and an X10 Switcher Module for my front light when I come home at night and use the remote to turn the light on. I realized that I have an outdoor lamp motor detector, and I have not installed it yet. I am not sure why I ordered the X10 stuff. I feel a little stupid. Maybe, I still need them.
Yes, same I have Alertmaster AM-6000 is very good but Peronal Pager is very problem re-charge battery after 4 month but no refill becuase it is wire

I'm surprised to be disappointed.

I learned that someone who has a pacemaker - is a problematic for wirelesses. Just wanted to let you know about it.
I ordered online - three X10 personal keychains remotes and an X10 Switcher Module for my front light when I come home at night and use the remote to turn the light on. I realized that I have an outdoor lamp motor detector, and I have not installed it yet. I am not sure why I ordered the X10 stuff. I feel a little stupid. Maybe, I still need them.

And Christmas lights :giggle: I am thinking about getting one as well. Men never leave the outside lights on, or they say, they forgot. I don't think my brother ever hears anything, let alone a doorbell. he kept turning off the telephone flasher-he said, what the heck do you need it for? He knew it was useful when we turn off our aids. I wanted to struggle him. Great Christmas present for my dad since he started wearing hearing aids too and doesn't always hears doorbell or phone (he is always outdoor). I better go to Home Depot first thing tmw morning!