Peanut Wigglebutt tops list of wacky names for dogs


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Peanut Wigglebutt
“When I first met Peanut, she was wagging her tail so hard that she fell over,” owner Christine Edwards of Columbus, Ohio, says of Peanut Wigglebutt. “She was the last puppy to go as nobody wanted her because she didn’t have much dappling and her ears hung to the side. I knew that she was meant for me.”

Edwards says Peanut Wigglebutt is a kleptomaniac. “We had a cable guy come to the house and ask if our dog was really a thief,” Edwards says. “He showed me his paper work and the previous guy had documented ‘watch out for the black dachshund, she steals screwdrivers!’”


Sir Hog Knucklehead
This dog received his name as a nod to Harley Davidson motorcycles. "Even before picking out our bulldog puppy about 10 years ago, we came up with the name Hog, the anagram for Harley Owner's Group," owner Kimberlee Landgraff of Tuxedo Park, N.Y., says. "Believe me, he eats, sounds and embodies the name Hog, which is what he goes by."

Kimberlee added Sir to the front of the moniker to make her pooch sound more official and finalized the name by adding Knucklehead to the end, in honor of a type of Harley Davidson motor. "We gave him a regal-sounding, yet fun-loving name," she says. "It fits him perfectly!"


Sasha Biggiepotamus Fierce
Oscar Olland of Bensalem, Penn., paid homage to singer Beyonce's alter ego when he named his English Bulldog "Sasha Fierce." He added "Biggiepotamus" after noticing while taking a walk that her shadow looked like a miniature hippopotamus trotting along.


Otto Blitzschnell von Longdog
Thomas and Heather Rammer of Fairfield, Ohio, named gave their new puppy a name befitting the Dachshund's German heritage. "Blitzschnell" translates into "lightning fast," a fitting moniker for Otto.


Zippity Do Dawg
A Disney fan, Jill Hicks of Frazier Park, Calif., named her Queensland heeler after the popular Disney song, "Zippity Do Dah" from the movie "Song of the South" released by Walt Disney in 1946.


Airbubble McMuffin
A name created out of a brainstorming session of the most common dog names, specifically, bubbles and muffin, resulted in Shawn Smith, Waukegan, Ill., naming his mixed breed pooch, Airbubble McMuffin.


Hamburger Patty
Amanda Loyo of San Diego, Calif., and her husband Josh, usually call their English bulldog "Patty," but say she will respond to her full name as well. “When we take Hamburger Patty to the dog park, she loves greeting other dog owners, instead of playing with other dogs,” Amanda says.


Angus T. Brackencrack
One day while watching auto racing, Hazel Ion of Rimersburg, Penn., and her husband had a major breakthrough in naming their brand new puppy. A misinterpretation of a driver named "Hackenbrack," followed by a few good laughs, led to the birth of the new moniker, "Angus T. Brackencrack." Ion also calls her Newfoundland her "goofy newfie."


Mister Buddy Pickles
Sharon Hernandez of Land O’ Lakes, Fla., compromised when it came to choosing a name for her family's newest member. “My partner Jackie wanted to name him ‘Mister,’ my son and I liked ‘Buddy,’ and my daughter-in-law liked ‘Pickles,’” Hernandez says. “After sometime we decided to combine all three names—Mister Buddy Pickles.”


Waffle Dots
Audry Binderoff of Brentwood, Calif., named her goldendoodle after an exclamation from her husband. He once got up from a chair and declared he had "waffle dots" imprinted on his back. She decided right then she would name a dog "Waffle Dots."

Peanut Wigglebutt tops list of wacky names for dogs
:aw::lol: those are all great and I love the pictures but yes there is -something - about sweet little Mr Buddy Pickles....
When I was a kid I wanted to name my dog Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but my mom exercised her veto power and overruled me. She was named Baby, instead. :mad:
When I was a kid I wanted to name my dog Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but my mom exercised her veto power and overruled me. She was named Baby, instead. :mad:

We had two dogs a German Shepherd named Gin and a Beagle named Rum as kids . Our parents let us named the dogs and picked out Gin and Rum. We should had named them Vodka and Whiskey b/c our dad drink theses and not rum and gin. I would had been upset with the name Baby too. That was the dog name in Peter Pan story , was that where the name came from?
We had two dogs a German Shepherd named Gin and a Beagle named Rum as kids . Our parents let us named the dogs and picked out Gin and Rum. We should had named them Vodka and Whiskey b/c our dad drink theses and not rum and gin. I would had been upset with the name Baby too. That was the dog name in Peter Pan story , was that where the name came from?

No, I believe the name is from that girl who was in Dirty Dancing. My mom really liked the movie at the time we got the dog.
No, I believe the name is from that girl who was in Dirty Dancing. My mom really liked the movie at the time we got the dog.

OK! I would had called the dog another name , Baby is too wimpy for me.
I named my dog Marty after a cousin that die from a drowning accident . He is a small white dog and we out one day and a guy asked what his name was and I told him Marty and guy said like a jerk "I thought it was Snowball or Fluffy !" Yeah if I had a small child maybe .

My last dog named Finlay and I had written it on his collar. I was walking down town with him and a guy named up to me and asked if my last name was Finlay and I told it was my dog name , the guy was disappointed b/c Finlay was his last name . LOL!
my beloved first Rottie's name was Cagney - her call name. For fun and because we love<d> her so much, we also called her Cagney Wagney Puppy Wuppy and Special Puppy. She was diagnosed with kidney failure at age 2 and lived to be 8 and 1/2 with good quality of life, with the help of our primary and holistic vets.
We have a beautiful German Shepard named Grunts-mere-pigles-worth Sir. Normally we just call him Grunts or Gruntsmere. the whole name fits him to!!!

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