Paying It Forward


New Member
Dec 29, 2011
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Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.

Tell us your inspirational stories of Paying It Forward and/or someone Paying It Forward to you??

I don't believe in that new concept. I live every day striving to do good and make the world better for rescue animals.

I don't expect anything in return. People would be a lot better off if they weren't looking for some magical act of kindness.
Whole lot of different kinds of paying it forward. Us humans are really all about that but we get it all screwed up too. It is not just paying it forward but doing with the idea of the best results. It is not new that is for sure.
I remember my aunt telling me when she was a small girl in the Great Depression about my grandparents. They had a small farm in the Midwest. Grandpa had a job with the railroad too. Back then in farming country people had food but not much money. There were homeless people on the move. If you had a farm people showed up hungry passing through or looking for a place to stop a while. It was HARD TIMES out there in the country. Grandpa had bags of beans he gave out.
The social programs we have now in America all came out of that time. That is paying it forward. We pay it forward with every paycheck.
Whole lot of different kinds of paying it forward. Us humans are really all about that but we get it all screwed up too. It is not just paying it forward but doing with the idea of the best results. It is not new that is for sure.
I remember my aunt telling me when she was a small girl in the Great Depression about my grandparents. They had a small farm in the Midwest. Grandpa had a job with the railroad too. Back then in farming country people had food but not much money. There were homeless people on the move. If you had a farm people showed up hungry passing through or looking for a place to stop a while. It was HARD TIMES out there in the country. Grandpa had bags of beans he gave out.
The social programs we have now in America all came out of that time. That is paying it forward. We pay it forward with every paycheck.

The way I understand the concept, it's like, "I am doing this for you, and all I ask is you do the same or more for someone else."

Putting conditions on good deeds is immoral in my opinion.
The way I understand the concept, it's like, "I am doing this for you, and all I ask is you do the same or more for someone else."

Putting conditions on good deeds is immoral in my opinion.

I agree. You should do good things for people just because, well you should. I like the idea of Karma, if you do bad things it will come back to you, do good things it will come back to you. Never seems to work out like that though does it?
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An important thing to remember about paying it forward is that it should be done with a selfless spirit. This means you help another person without expecting repayment or kind deeds in return but hope it starts a chain reaction of kind deeds.

No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves. ~ Amelia Earhart
I treat others like I want to be treated. and if I can do something that someone cant do for them selves I do it. need no payment no thank you. who know maybe they will come across someone that needs something and just do it. My husband always says I.ll buy you a good meal but wont give you money I dont have.
While on my way to lunch, two cute little dogs ran across the street near where I live and almost got run over. I stopped to see if I could help them find their owners. Both dogs had no collars on and I knew if had left them there they might be run over. So, I spent my lunch hour contacting vets and the RSPCA to help find the owner. The owner was so happy to find them and the dogs were ecstatic. I wonder how many other drivers saw the dogs who had travelled some distance and had driven straight by.
I remember as a younger man I was always helping out - I did not have extra money so it was with my labor- no thoughts of return, just happy to help. That was a nicer time in my life. I am not so eager to help people now. I prefer the animal friends to be wild animals. I do not feed them up either but they know that on my places they are safe if I am around.
Maybe I am paying it backward now?
The concept of laying it forward is not a new one. The idea is that for sme peopl with a fleas egg for a heart has some act of kindness occur to them they become gobsmacked. Then they become reflective, start to look at their life and find empathy and compassion in a world that is too often lacking in either.
The sainted people. Of course have no need for this personal growth, only those with a grinch size heart. Nothing at all like standing on a street corner looking for a cuppa kindness
A quiet part of our society believes that a good turn is to be done in such a way that no one ever knows. It is quietly enshrined in the very foundation of our country.
Many years ago after a long day of work, I had to get groceries. I proceeded to grab a cart and get busy, gathering and figuring the weeks food and pay. I had quite a bit in my cart, and got in line. There was only one check out open and only one in front of me. As the lady in front of me checked out I as everyone does, just reflected, and looked at the candy bars, gums, mints to my side. An older lady came up behind me, I said oh please go ahead of me.. she smiled, said thank you. As she checked out I started to put my buggy of about 25 items on the belt, and noticed a gentleman behind me, arms full of items. I said oh my, please go ahead of me. He said oh no.. go ahead.. I backed up, and said oh no, please.. set that down and go!...he said are you sure, and I replied.. oh yes, I have nowhere to be. He did, and with a whew, he said thank you. He proceeded to check out.. again saying thanks, and I saying you’re welcome, but it was nothing.

I put my stuff on the belt, and stepped up to pay, saw money on the counter, and said...OH MY, I think that man forgot his change!.. perhaps I can catch him?... The clerk said.." oh no, he said that is for you, to apply that to your bill!" I was like NO SIR!...are you kidding? I was just flabbergasted!.. Such kindness at a time that I needed a lift.
I was driving my route for work, and down there was a bunch of debris in the middle of the road, I stopped and noticed it was somebody's briefcase that had fell and opened and spilled out all the contents into the road. So i picked it all up it was many cards like CC library card work card and a wallet and checkbook. Drove to the house but nobody was home. Left him a note where I found his stuff. Few days later my boss had a meeting with all of us and read the thankful letter of the customer and left me 7 tickets to the phantom opera. And my boss gave me 2. paid days off for my actions. It was funny cuz i didn't know what was going on then all of my workmen start clapping and looking at me. So i read the letter and then understood what was.going on
Random acts of kindness is another concept like paying it forward. I am always willing to do something when I see someone who needs a little help. Like pushing a womans car out of the snow at 4am. Had to kneel in the snow to get a grip on the sports car but it worked. My payback usy occurs at a later date totally unexpected .