patients die of starvation in NHS Hospital

When you have cancer there should not be a wait time. But there was when my mom had cancer. Also some eye conditions can get worse very rapidly so if you are required to wait you could have gone blind by the doctor sees to you.

I think care for the elderly is very bad in UK. That's what impression I get from my dad. They seem to know who they can get away with mistreating.

Do you honestly believe that Americans don't have to wait for health care?
Obamacare Health care = Science Czar :eek3:

Will it turn into " Euthanasia Bill " just like what happened in NHS Hospital ? Are our hospitals going to follow the same in our country ? :shock:

It reminds me of Adolf Hitler's days. He was obsessed in science as well when they tortured Jews. :ugh:

Been listening to the Teabaggers again, huh?:roll:
Been listening to the Teabaggers again, huh?:roll:

I note that a lot of these so called Christians are the ones that are calling Obama a Hitler and a liar. There are many that don't go the route of name calling, but the ones that do stand out to me. Guess what they learn on Sunday is thrown out the window when it comes to politics.
You tell people to trust God, then call Obama a Hitler? Is that how you represent your religious teachings? If this is the result of those Sundays in church, glad I stay home and save gasoline.
Pblt. Razzberries.

Good for you again, Jillio. I had to wait 6 months to see my doc. If I am really sick, they say to go to ER or "doc in the box" walk in clinic. First question is not "How can we help" but "Do you have insurance" if you do not have it, they can refer you to the city social services. You may or may not meet the income criteria. You make even one dollar too much, you are out of luck. If you have insurance you may pay 30.00 to see doc. If you do not have it you must pay the full price of 175.00 and in cash or on a credit card. Right now, too. If you have HMO, you may wait a long time to see the doc and you may only see an approved doc. If the hmo does not approve of the prescribed meds, you get the hmo approved meds. If you go to the hospital, the insurance co tells the docs and staff what meds, treatments, and time you may spend for your diagnosis. The insurance co will also dictate the amount of time that you may spend at home after hospital stay. Then - boot! Go back and earn them some more money!

Its the same old Pablum. Any one who says anything else is spoon feeding you a load of.... well, not pablum.

A rose is a rose is a rose...... but insurance is not so sweet.

Having no insurance is very scary.... try being on city social services and being very sick. You make no joke - one dollar too much that month and you not only lose the services but are liable for prior medical bills. Lesson? Stay poor, dont try to earn extra money, and if you do, be dishonest and dont claim it. Work under the table.. If not, no food, medicine or rental assistance. What a trap.

We need a MAJOR overhaul on insurance and health care.
I note that a lot of these so called Christians are the ones that are calling Obama a Hitler and a liar. There are many that don't go the route of name calling, but the ones that do stand out to me. Guess what they learn on Sunday is thrown out the window when it comes to politics.

You tell people to trust God, then call Obama a Hitler? Is that how you represent your religious teachings? If this is the result of those Sundays in church, glad I stay home and save gasoline.

You read wrong. That's how you THINK this way and misinterpreted it. You don't ask me for clarification.
No, Jillio THINKS that I been listenin' to the Teabaggers again or whatever. The fact is she don't know nothin'.

ok but that's your issue with her. As for me - I'm curious to what article you have been reading.
Obamacare Health care = Science Czar :eek3:

Will it turn into " Euthanasia Bill " just like what happened in NHS Hospital ? Are our hospitals going to follow the same in our country ? :shock:

It reminds me of Adolf Hitler's days. He was obsessed in science as well when they tortured Jews. :ugh:

You read wrong. That's how you THINK this way and misinterpreted it. You don't ask me for clarification.

I did not single you out as THE CHRISTIAN that is guilty of throwing the first stone. There are many others. However, care to explain the first quote? I bolded the part that troubles me.
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Hitler never really cared about science, let alone being "obsessed" with it. He was more obsessed with religion, particularly his own interpretation of Christianity and the occult.

Josef Mengele, however, was interested in science and tortured people. He was particularly fascinated with "little people," if I remember correctly. And in Mengele's case, it was more of having the free licence to do anything he wanted rather than being a logical person.

Must I remind you that the United States themselves don't have their own hands clean since they used to test radioactive poisoning on disabled children in state institutes?
The truth is.... you have no idea what article I am readin'. You don't know.

Given what your posts say, its a pretty safe bet that the articles are coming from the same extreme right wing, propoganda spreading, misinformed, and innacurrate sites that the Teabaggers are using.:cool2:
Obamacare Health care = Science Czar :eek3:

Do you have any problem with that Czar?

Did you know that Bush have more Czars in his Admin. than Obama?

Will it turn into " Euthanasia Bill " just like what happened in NHS Hospital ? Are our hospitals going to follow the same in our country ? :shock:

Again, - View Single Post - ‘Access to Insurance for all Americans Act’ -

Due respect, you are being misinformed over NHS.

Euthanasia is an illegal in UK.

It reminds me of Adolf Hitler's days. He was obsessed in science as well when they tortured Jews. :ugh:

Who say that Hitler obsessed in science?

Due respect, I would like to remind you that it´s not just jews, they tortured to but PEOPLE... I mean Germans, Jews and other races. Please use those word "people" instead of jews next time.

I did not single you out as THE CHRISTIAN that is guilty of throwing the first stone. There are many others. However, care to explain the first quote? I bolded the part that troubles me.

Well, yes you did single me out. You just happen to read my signature and say somethin' in a nice way without offendin' me or single me out.

Yes, it REMINDS me of Hitler's days, because it gives the same pictures. Same ideas of what his scientists did durin' that time. I could think of "Terri Schavio" - that poor woman was starvin' to death without givin' water and food. That was torture and mean. She was human just like you and me. I can see that some people can be soo mean with cold heart. It upsets me to see people die from torture. I just don't like it. I do have the feelings for people.

People are not guinea pigs. If, scientists want to use for test or somethin', use it on critters or what ever. Just don't touch people. Leave the people alone. :squint:
Do you have any problem with that Czar?

Did I say I have a problem with "czar" ?

Did you know that Bush have more Czars in his Admin. than Obama?

Link ? I would like to read that says "czars" in Bush Administration.

Again, - View Single Post - ‘Access to Insurance for all Americans Act’ -

Due respect, you are being misinformed over NHS.

Euthanasia is an illegal in UK.

Euthanasia is LEGAL in UK.

Who say that Hitler obsessed in science?

I said. Who else ?

Due respect, I would like to remind you that it´s not just jews, they tortured to but PEOPLE... I mean Germans, Jews and other races. Please use those word "people" instead of jews next time.


I can say "Jews" -- they were all Jews from German, Russia, and etc.

strange. from what I know - if the terminally-ill patient who already qualified for assisted suicide cannot terminate himself with his own hands on his "death date", the doctor can assist - hence a voluntary euthanasia. That is illegal in USA but legal in UK.
Given what your posts say, its a pretty safe bet that the articles are coming from the same extreme right wing, propoganda spreading, misinformed, and innacurrate sites that the Teabaggers are using.:cool2:

I have to ignore you. I am sorry.
Who say that Hitler obsessed in science?

same here. He was never obsessed with science. He was known for his artistic taste... one of driving motivations in his war plan - to "romanticize" Germany.