Pain behind the ears


Active Member
May 17, 2009
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I tried searching it, but I'm not finding it. A pretty chilly weekend on the coast reminded me to ask if anyone has had this experience. I always wear hearing aids, and this pain only happens when it gets cold. The pain feels like it's inside my skull, behind my ear lobes and centered such that it is about a half-inch below and a half-inch behind the BTE hearing aid. I feel that on both sides. When I warm up, the pain goes away. This is just another reason why I don't like winter.
Sorry in regards to you physical pain.I recommend you to fix up an appointment with your family doctor and if required an neurologist.
I tried searching it, but I'm not finding it. A pretty chilly weekend on the coast reminded me to ask if anyone has had this experience. I always wear hearing aids, and this pain only happens when it gets cold. The pain feels like it's inside my skull, behind my ear lobes and centered such that it is about a half-inch below and a half-inch behind the BTE hearing aid. I feel that on both sides. When I warm up, the pain goes away. This is just another reason why I don't like winter.

My ears have always bothered me when it is cold out. Especially if I go running or other activities outdoor in the cold. For me, it can be really painful. It happened before I lost my hearing and now. If it really bothers you I would talk to your doctor about it, good luck!!!
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I get this when it get's cold (-20C). It's because there's an air filled space there and if it gets cold it can be painful.
The best way to handle it is to wear a hat/hoodie/scarf etc to protect the warmth there. Also wind seems to also have a more pronounced impact - likely because cold air can enter the Ear, Nose & throat cooling the air passages more quickly.