OS X Lion

Firefox is notorious for memory leak.

If having problems with Firefox about reverses scrolling. Try turning off “Use smooth scrolling” in Firefox prefs (under Advanced → General).
If having problems with Firefox about reverses scrolling. Try turning off “Use smooth scrolling” in Firefox prefs (under Advanced → General).

The problem is more about websites not being displayed properly. Some buttons aren't responsive or not responding the way they're supposed to. For instance, the Notifications function on AllDeaf.com isn't working right on Firefox, but it's fine in Safari.
The problem is more about websites not being displayed properly. Some buttons aren't responsive or not responding the way they're supposed to. For instance, the Notifications function on AllDeaf.com isn't working right on Firefox, but it's fine in Safari.

it's due to programming. it's difficult enough to make websites all browsers-compliant.
The problem is more about websites not being displayed properly. Some buttons aren't responsive or not responding the way they're supposed to. For instance, the Notifications function on AllDeaf.com isn't working right on Firefox, but it's fine in Safari.

Did you download Mozilla Firefox 5.0.1 for for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion?
it's due to programming. it's difficult enough to make websites all browsers-compliant.

It was fine on Snow Leopard before I upgraded it to Lion. To answer Chevy's question, yes I did download it. In fact, I re-downloaded and re-installed it after Lion to see if it would resolve the problems. It didn't.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Fuck Adobe flash, html 5 rocks!!!
I still have problem with PurpleVRS P3 on my MacBook Pro, unfortunately. This system crashed while calling. I had gotten email message from Purple for new update last Tuesday but still be problem. I believe that is bugs!! I will contact Purple support soon. Z4 and Convo are doing fine. Do you have problem with P3 on your any Mac?
I none have problem with upgrade to Lion, what a breezy but long one. 30 dollars upgrade, can't beat greedy Micro$oft that wants almost ten times of this cost of upgrading to Lion.
Seriously, thinking of buy another MAC. I noticed that quality is much better than PC.
I still have problem with PurpleVRS P3 on my MacBook Pro, unfortunately. This system crashed while calling. I had gotten email message from Purple for new update last Tuesday but still be problem. I believe that is bugs!! I will contact Purple support soon. Z4 and Convo are doing fine. Do you have problem with P3 on your any Mac?

My p3 software on my macbook pro it's work fine without any problem, what's your mac os version? Mines is 10.6.8 it's latest version.
it's due to programming. it's difficult enough to make websites all browsers-compliant.

That's why you make the site to the web standards and let each browser make of it what they will. Unless you're aiming at a specific audience of course.
My p3 software on my macbook pro it's work fine without any problem, what's your mac os version? Mines is 10.6.8 it's latest version.

10.6.xx is OS X Snow Leopard and 10.7.xx is OS X Lion.

Keep in mind, this thread talk about OS X Lion.
My p3 software on my macbook pro it's work fine without any problem, what's your mac os version? Mines is 10.6.8 it's latest version.

OS 10.7 Lion. Purple said "We’re sorry you’re experiencing problems with PurpleVRSim and OS X Lion. We’ve identified the issue and are currently working to fix this small bug. We discovered that iChat calls work a little differently in OS X Lion, so right now, we are unable to automatically identify your 10-digit number when using PurpleVRSim." I will wait for new update soon.

Still have other problem with ooVoo. Outgoing video callings unable to work. I had send compliance report to ooVoo support. I will wait for answer.