Oh, fine... ask!


New Member
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
While I'm SURE I'm not nearly as interesting as some of the fine folks here at AD... I'll hop on the bandwagon!

If anyone has a burning curiosity about me, ask away!
How did you come up with username and who is that guy in your avatar ?

Do you wish you could kill all people who murdered gay people in name of God?
How did you come up with username and who is that guy in your avatar ?

Do you wish you could kill all people who murdered gay people in name of God?

My avatar is of a character from a game called Baldur's Gate.

As for killing all people who murdered gay people in the name of God... no, it's not really in my nature. And besides, that would be a stereotypical example of "violence begets more violence", and it would ultimately serve no purpose. I wouldn't even feel "better" having done it, because I think it would scar my psyche to kill someone else. I suppose I could kill someone in self-defense, or in the defense of a loved one... but in principle, it's not typically something I'd do.

I prefer to fight my battles by educating the masses :)
What is your favorite book?

What is your life goal?

Egad, neither of those questions are easy for me to answer.

A) I LOVE books, and have been an avid reader since I was young. I tend to have mini-favorites within different genres; it's too difficult for me to select one as an all-time favorite. For "fluff" books, I like Fantasy/Sci-Fi novels (Tolkien being a favorite author, along with Lynn Flewelling, Mickey Zucker Reichert and Marion Zimmer Bradley), historical fiction and I also like reading plays (The Lion in Winter is one of my favorite plays). For non-fiction, I tend to read a lot of historical non-fiction, politics/government, and books about social issues.

B) Life goal: hmmm... I suppose it'd be to be part of making the world a better place for folks that are "different"... whether it's due to their sexuality, their skin color, their ability to hear/see, etc. through personal activism. A lot of that has to do with challenging peoples' pre-conceived notions about what it means to be gay, or to be black or Asian, or to be deaf or blind, etc. It sometimes means reminding folks that every person in this world is worthy of dignity and respect, regardless of their differences. It's my goal to try to make things better for the youth of tomorrow, so that nobody has to grow up being ashamed of being different.