Occupy Boston is being evicted!!!!

Pretty obvious.

Not really. OWS has a problem with the government too. Including the current one. They are not anti-Republican, they are anti-corruption and failure to uphold laws and that applies to those in power who exercise it, no matter what party they're with. OWS is non-politically affiliated.
1. they just got this money

2. give them a chance to figure out how to best use the funds.

3. as a registered charity, they have to account for every penny. tax records will be available to the public because they are registered as a charity. that's how you will know what's going on with the money.

1. They asked for the money.

2. Did they not know why they were asking for money?

3. They are not yet a charity (I was stating the obvious, but not a fact).

From ABC news: Despite the money they're pulling in, the Occupy movements are not registered as tax-exempt nonprofits or charities. According to Jeffrey Levine, a certified public accountant and member of the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Aaccountants, this isn't really a problem. A gift to the Occupy movement is your prerogative; just don't mark it on your tax return.
Apparently up to 75% of Americans sympathize with OWS. Believe me, politicians notice. Does it have an effect on their campaigns? Yep.

Secondly, the attorney general of Massachusetts only filed a lawsuit against the banks after waiting over 2 years for them to come up with a resolution. She did this after OWS started. And now other attorney generals needing support are getting funds thanks to OWS.

They are making a difference, no doubt.

I bet the attorney general would had done that anyway. It is getting to be election time and politicians want voters to remember their 'good deed '
when it time to vote. I really doubt that protesters had anything to do with the attorney general action. I heard that the Boston protesters are planning on camping out at foreclose houses . It was on the news and the details are not know yet. I am not sure if people are planning on breaking into the houses or camping outside of them.
That's easy, if they did it legally no big deal. If they did it illegally take them to court.

Yep, that's what's happening now.

Bonuses? As long as they pay their loan in a timely manner who cares.

Those who lost their homes and jobs then had to bail out the banks who fucked them over with their tax money then turned around and rewarded themselves with billions of the same tax money. Who cares? Many many many people. They care.

If you don't like it, don't do business with them. Simple.

I don't.

Settlements? If you don't like the settlements blame the people who offered them.

That's what OWS and attorney generals are doing.

1. They asked for the money.

2. Did they not know why they were asking for money?

3. They are not yet a charity (I was stating the obvious, but not a fact).

From ABC news: Despite the money they're pulling in, the Occupy movements are not registered as tax-exempt nonprofits or charities. According to Jeffrey Levine, a certified public accountant and member of the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Aaccountants, this isn't really a problem. A gift to the Occupy movement is your prerogative; just don't mark it on your tax return.

send me the link to this quote.
.Those who lost their homes and jobs then had to bail out the banks who xxxxxx them over with their tax money then turned around and rewarded themselves with billions of the same tax money. Who cares? Many many many people. They care.

I don't

That's what OWS and attorney generals are doing.

A) It was a loan... as long as they are being paid back I don't see the problem

B) Good

C) You are welcome to believe OWS is a big part of that. I don't. :cool2:
Not really. OWS has a problem with the government too. Including the current one. They are not anti-Republican, they are anti-corruption and failure to uphold laws and that applies to those in power who exercise it, no matter what party they're with. OWS is non-politically affiliated.

They need to talk to Obama first.

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

And Democrats, too....

Democrats Seek to Own 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement - ABC News

Hence, the irony I mentioned with the link I provided earlier.
Not really. OWS has a problem with the government too. Including the current one. They are not anti-Republican, they are anti-corruption and failure to uphold laws and that applies to those in power who exercise it, no matter what party they're with. OWS is non-politically affiliated.

Exactly. I'm not affiliated with either party.
Wow, that is a pretty interesting relationship. I hope the IRS will monitor this very closely.

I'm sure they will until there is no point in doing so. Soon it will be widely accepted as being tax deductible.
Now that they have money, it's possible they could be sued as well. :hmm: