NY and WH discriminate against blind people?

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Growing up I have been accused of so many things and I stopped allowing it to hurt me. My closest friends and families know the true me and that's the only important thing to me.

:gpost::gpost: Well said!
That's interesting. I never had trouble identifying black people when I was hearing-sighted. Most black people (not all) have a texture to their voice that "gives them away." Of course it's not totally foolproof, but I had my share of incidences where black people were shocked to know I knew they were black.

Maybe Dreama cant hear like you do?
I dont really make a big deal out of it and dont hold that against the Deaf community as a whole. I guess I just dont really care enough to laugh about it. I understand that every cultural group has their own issues and this is one of them in the Deaf culture. No biggie.

but if it makes you laugh and have fun..no harm in it.

I laugh because it's silly because some of them are incidentally practicing their own brand of discrimination. Sometimes I wonder whether its borne out of jealousy? I wonder why Obama discriminated against Paterson for his low polls but not Corzine? A back door approach attempted by Obama that backfired.
I get accused of acting sighted, but usually the accusation is from other sighted people who know nothing about blindness. From what I've observed, there's not too much pressure in the blind community at large to "act blind." But if we're looking at some subcultures, like the NFB, then it's a whole different story. So I guess we have our own version too.

Interesting. Though I had some inkling but am not sure how prevalent that is.
I laugh because it's silly because some of them are incidentally practicing their own brand of discrimination. Sometimes I wonder whether its borne out of jealousy? I wonder why Obama discriminated against Paterson for his low polls but not Corzine? A back door approach attempted by Obama that backfired.

Everyone has issues...important that they recognize them and try to address them ..if not, then nothing you can do about them.
If the Democrats apologize, what would it accomplish? I am a Democrat and I wasnt a part of the racism back then so why should I apologize? I think anyone who practices racism should apologize themselves as individuals not as a whole political party.

You have Democrat Senators who are still there at a time when racist attitudes were quite prevalent in the 50s, 60s and even into the 70's. Why would a party want to carry that kind of baggage and deny it?
Growing up I have been accused of so many things and I stopped allowing it to hurt me. My closest friends and families know the true me and that's the only important thing to me.

So have I. Maybe I should just develop a thicker skin?
Maybe Dreama cant hear like you do?

Oh I know. I'm just saying her experience is interesting and sharing mine. Hope that didn't come across as doubtful or defensive.

That wasn't the question I was referring to but about what Perryman stated when it comes to bringing closure:

Why are Democrats so adamant on not apologizing? Is it out of fear that people will find out and it's better not to apologize? What?

why ask me? Ask them! I'm not defending for them. I don't work for them. I don't speak for them. They don't work for me nor speak for me either.
Discrimination means anything in regards to skin color, physical ability, traits, financial status, and so on.
You have Democrat Senators who are still there at a time when racist attitudes were quite prevalent in the 50s, 60s and even into the 70's. Why would a party want to carry that kind of baggage and deny it?

you seem to be obsessed with "Democrat" and "Republican" labels :hmm:
You have Democrat Senators who are still there at a time when racist attitudes were quite prevalent in the 50s, 60s and even into the 70's. Why would a party want to carry that kind of baggage and deny it?

A party? What about those individuals? Maybe the better question would be is "Why would those individuals carry that kind of baggage and deny it?"
That's interesting. I never had trouble identifying black people when I was hearing-sighted. Most black people (not all) have a texture to their voice that "gives them away." Of course it's not totally foolproof, but I had my share of incidences where black people were shocked to know I knew they were black.

I've never been able to distinguish someone's ethnics by their voice as I've never been able to hear well enough.

I do make guesses though sometimes.
White people tend to sweat more so if it's a really hot day and the person isn't sweaty I can guess they are black, but it's only a guess, and I've got it wrong before now.
So have I. Maybe I should just develop a thicker skin?

It is a lot harder to do it just like that..it takes time. Sometimes, depending on my mood, I let the labels get to me but then I have to remind myself that whoever is assigning these labels arent important people in my life and not react.
Because I find it hurtful to be accused of something I am not.
As a blind person I wouldn't know if I had black friends unless they told me they were black. It really doesn't bother me.
I just don't like Obama because his views on life.

there you go! we don't like Sarah Palin for exactly same reason as yours.
why ask me? Ask them! I'm not defending for them. I don't work for them. I don't speak for them. They don't work for me nor speak for me either.

They don't work for me, either, but I see it as a necesarry step to help bring closure. It's almost akin to the idea that since I'm not related to Germany nor do I live there or have a German ancestry background that I can step back and say the same thing about Germany's atrocities and be neutral to the idea of whether an apology would be needed back in 2000 when an apology did happen. But that took Germany 55 years to do it. For Democrats, it is so far 150 years plus and ongoing for not apologizing.
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