Not Wearing CI Processor - Any thoughts?


New Member
Aug 17, 2011
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This is my first 'thread'. Wow. I am so techie with all of this. So we all have unique ears and we are special and want to wish all who read this the very best in whatever they are experiencing.

Background: Have worn hearing aids since my 20's bilaterally. Hearing loss determined to be progressive and genetic. Pre-op CT ear scan revealed missing superior balance canal bone genetic, and thus - dehiscence bilaterally - which answers many unexplained episodes of vertigo and the hearing loss.

Situation: Sept 2010 - AB implant right ear - Harmony. To fix dehiscence, middle fossa craniotomy. ALL went GREAT and the surgeon was totally pleased. Jan. 2011 speech recognition testing in high 80, 70 and 60 percentiles. Then BOOM in April the pain and loudness hit like a sonic boom. I was put on prednisone. They put in a new grounding electrode. Non invasive testing revealed nothing. Episodes kept happening. AB will replace the device. Caveat is waiting for FDA to approve due to recall. Because of these episodes the latest a few days ago, I am instructed not to wear processor until after surgery, which is scheduled for end of October, and tentatively because of recall.

Alternative: Go with another company and the only other company I would consider is Med El.

I wear hearing aid on left, which is some comfort, but the residual effects that have occurred with this whole ordeal is mind blowing.

No one can make the decision but me, but really it seems that AB has had lots of recalls although having attended the latest Bionic Ear Association meeting it is all about everything is good to go, etc. etc. and that they are now part of Sonova and Phonak and everything is peachy.

Anybody have thoughts about the products and your experiences. I am known as the 'good sport' in all of this but I am getting weighed down by it all and it becomes increasingly more challenging to manage. Like I am over it.

My job is very deadline oriented and I write proposals for the health care industry and there is no room for this stuff that is going on in my life currently.

Okay...thanks for listening and appreciate any factual thoughts on all of this!

All the best to all of you...:wave:
Wirelessly posted

get rid of AB I wouldnt risk it again if I was you, go with Med-el If I couldnt get cochlear brand I'd go for Med-el.
AB broke on me after 14 years of their use. Moved to Cochlear American and AB paid for Cochlear america's implant/processor.

Look at my sig for links to my experience with both companies.

Wow...yeah - I am like uhhhhh perhaps not on AB. Yes your surgeon sounds like a smart man. Mine wrote and said well you are that their mercy. Yeah that's for sure and so thanks for writing.

I hope you are doing well with your CI's now.

I was a cheerleader in another life and while I am old enough to be your grandma, age doesn't matter and know that I am cheering you on! Yeah...

There is a great article out there too about companies hiring the deaf and that with today's technology NOTHING should preclude doing ANYTHING you want.
Thanks Skull Chick...that's what my gut says and it's usually pretty accurate. I need to look up nucleus freedom. I hope it's all working well for you.
I have had my Advanced Bionics-Harmony 4 years now. So far now- no major problem. Something minor happened 2 years ago and repaired by AB-within a few days.

I understand Advanced Bionics-had some "production" problems recently but now okay at least in Europe and Canada.

As to the above comments- was I lucky?

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07

I like my cookies w/o nuts

Thanks for the pic. I am so totally new to all of this. I guess I will figure it out...supposedly I am smart. Have a chocolate chipper day! :cool2:
I have had my Advanced Bionics-Harmony 4 years now. So far now- no major problem. Something minor happened 2 years ago and repaired by AB-within a few days.

I understand Advanced Bionics-had some "production" problems recently but now okay at least in Europe and Canada.

As to the above comments- was I lucky?

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07

The question is, AM I lucky to have my left AB working for me?
at least AB does recalls to fix whatever problems their devices are having (the latest one, it was 2 devices out of 28,000 that had problems but they did a recall anyway just to be on the safe side). I myself am still going to get AB when it's back on the market, but that's just me.

It is up to you if you want to wait until the recall is over to get a new AB device, or go with another company and get the issue resolved sooner.