No Business like Show Business


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May 7, 2008
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Do any of you go to the theatre, I mean like plays/musicals/dramas? I'm a theater addict and I'm looking into being an interpreter for theatre shows! So I was curious if deaf people enjoy the theatre or do the interpreters on the side of the stage just irritate you? I read about some interpreters that are directly on stage with the show and they actually act/interpret with the actors! Has anyone seen that before?

What are your thoughts?
Do any of you go to the theatre, I mean like plays/musicals/dramas? I'm a theater addict and I'm looking into being an interpreter for theatre shows! So I was curious if deaf people enjoy the theatre or do the interpreters on the side of the stage just irritate you? I read about some interpreters that are directly on stage with the show and they actually act/interpret with the actors! Has anyone seen that before?

What are your thoughts?

Yes, and yes. National Theater of the Deaf has used the technique of shadowing the deaf actors with a speaking actor, and they have also done an integrated method of having deaf and hearing actors interact on stage without interpretation. A script is just altered to provide interpretation in the dialogue. An interpreter on the side of the stage is the least effective way to provide a theater experience for the deaf.