Nintendo has the right idea lol


New Member
May 14, 2012
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Ive always been a big fan of nintendo, and the mario kart series. When mario kart wii came out i thought it was awesome that they incorporated a feature that alerts you when an item is coming at you from behind with a picture and arrow at the bottom of the screen. I love this feature, never had too much of a problem before, but just makes life easier and makes it more of an equal playing ground for all players :) i think more video games need to incorporate small features like this for us deaf and hoh, just because we get by fine with most games as is doesnt mean we dont want to be able to kick your ass ten times harder if we knew you were coming up behind us ;)
We have eyes in back of our head. We're fine :)

Yeah, I used to play Super Mario on old Nintendo. My girlfriend likes to get me to play Mario Kart on Wii, but I hate it.
Haha my boyfriend hates mario kart wii too, so you arent alone in the mario kart hatred department, must be a guy thing XD
I love this and that there are more games featuring a color-bling mode. My boyfriend has a hard time because of that. He says those indicators that show your allies in green and your enemies in red did nothing for him so he'd just shoot everyone. Hahaha
Haha im just terrible at first person shooters, i tend to just shoot anyone i see XD i kind of just panic, and fire at whoever shows up. Lol!
I looove Goldeneye 64. Easily one of my all-time favorites! I'm first and foremost a rabid Zelda fan though :)
I looove Goldeneye 64. Easily one of my all-time favorites! I'm first and foremost a rabid Zelda fan though :)

I played Golden Eye but we had in in "Donkey Kong" format so everyone had a big head hahaha
Ive always been a big fan of the Zelda series too, whatd you think of twilight princess? I started it forever ago and want to finish it. Hadnt really thought about it til you mentioned zelda hmm
I may have mentioned this before in the Borderlands 2 thread but the subtitles in Borderlands 2 don't include all the shouts/barks made by the enemies and your character... just the main radio messages and cutscene conversations.
Yeah stuff like that in video games always bothered me, especially with the enemies because all of my friends with "normal" hearing would notice them in a dark room before me because they could hear the muffled growls and mumbling and such. So frustrating! Captions are too often not accurate enough for my liking specifically in video games
Ive always been a big fan of the Zelda series too, whatd you think of twilight princess? I started it forever ago and want to finish it. Hadnt really thought about it til you mentioned zelda hmm

I really liked it! The scenery was absolutely beautiful. Skyward Sword was really good too. Have you played that one yet?
Havent played skyward sword yet but ive read a lot of good things about it! Im having a brain fart as to what system its on cause i feel like if it was on the wii id have it, but i may have been broke when it came out the forgot about it lol. Maybe i should just start twilight princess over, to get the full effect ya know? ;P