New "VideoPhone"?

Ojo Videophone Information

If I may offer some information for the discussion....

The Ojo will be able to dial 711 Talk and will bring up Snap!VRS.

The Ojo uses Session Initiated Protocol(SIP) a newer international standard for voice/video/data over internet. The SIP protocol and the legacy H.323 protocol are like DVD (SIP) and VHS (H.323). The SIP protocol will allow for more permanent phone number like dialing because the concept is who you're calling, not what (which equipment) you're calling, so between SIP devices you never have to know the other person's IP address.

Companies like Microsoft, Google, Vonage, Avaya, etc. all use the SIP standard when they are offering their VoIP telephone services. It's definately where the future of internet telephone is going.

A SIP address/number looks like this

So if you are both on the same service you just dial the first set of #'s. If you're on different services, it's ok, you still don't need the IP address you just add the person's service identification... think about it almost like an area code after your number.

Snap!VRS will be adding "gateway services" this year so that there will be backwards compatability to other videophones and webcams. When a person uses the older technology they will lose the clear smooth picture, built in video mail, picture caller ID, etc... that SIP offers.

Everyone who has used the Ojo for video interpreting or testing video relay love the size of the screen. It actually perfectly frames the sign space. The pictures the manufacturer has is more for hearing people and faces. I'll see if I can find a good picture of the sign space on the Ojo.

Snap!VRS will be available this summer and we would appreciate any feedback that you have for us to improve and build the services the Deaf community wants.

I know on another thread folks mentioned beta testing we haven't forgotten about you...

Daryl, CI, CT

CAN of America

prostock19 said:
There are ALOT of questions to be asked.

1) Is this device compatible for calling exsisting Video Relay Services?
2) Is this device compatible with D-Link and Sorenson Video Phones?
3) Is the image on the screen big enough so that you can back up from the device for signing?

These are a few questions I would have. You guys who use VPs more may have more questions.