New to this forum

Hello Mark, welcome to AD enjoy your stay and post along with us.
Hello and welcome Mark. I am a new deaf writer from Pennsylvania. I am happily married, have two children and two grandsons. Good luck and you will find someone special hiding somewhere...
Hello Mark and welcome to AD. There's a Deaf social at Fayette Mall next Friday, Feb 1st. Usually the group meets in the food court from 6ish to 9, then heads to a restaurant and keeps chatting. I've been going to these socials since I moved up here 2 1/2 years ago. Might see you there.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Kentucky, 'best' basketball team?? :lol: Nice try, but perhaps it can be 'one' of the best teams. Am glad you notice how beautiful and pretty 'Angel' is, the one with the long flowing blondish hair--and the 'best' thing of it is the fact that she's my wife. :D

Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD--

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Kentucky, 'best' basketball team?? :lol: Nice try, but perhaps it can be 'one' of the best teams. Am glad you notice how beautiful and pretty 'Angel' is, the one with the long flowing blondish hair--and the 'best' thing of it is the fact that she's my wife. :D

Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD--


Wll your a lucky man.
welcome to AD mark
i am from southeast Michigan near Ann Arbor and looking for job right now. i am single right now but i am not in hurry to have relationship, i am taking my time right now. enjoy your stay in AD smile