New technology!!

doenst look too bad, i dont really like the whole look of it having to go in front of ur ear/side of ur head where its plainly visible..and on the website it says the hearacle could even reverse hearing problems due to ear drum probs..i dont think they shud put that in writing...but hey its there asses i guess..maybe a popular device of the future?..but not for me... :whistle:
PLEASE NOTE: Hearacle works for hard-of-hearing caused by the eardrum. Deaf or hearing impaired caused by brain injury or other neurological damages will not respond to Hearacle.

anyway it won't do good for me.

it's great for those with eardrum problem.
I think I know who you are but can you go back there and tell her that she misunderstood this technology even though it does not require surgery.

whereas she said You could find out more if it will work this out for you to hear the sounds. It is way better than having a surgery for Deaf children.

"for Deaf children" ? nah.. not right one.. but if this person is hard of hearing or have no problem with cochlea but eardrum. she misunderstood!

in my previous post, it said it is designed for those folks with eardrum problem but not for folks like me who have bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (damage inside cochlea like damaged hair cell or ossified cochlea as such).

gnulinuxman I know you saw that thread over there... there are other Bone conductor hearing headset out there even a telephone with bone conductor technology ( BAHA implant

some deaf people thought this will replace ci industry but nope it does not..

even this one which my members discussed ages ago on my forum
HiSonic-TRD: a bone conductor device designed for tinnitus relief.

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Momoftwo said:

Someone claiming to be a member of that company spammed that link on this website last night and it was quickly removed. Interesting that it didn't take you long to be convinced by this product. Do you know anyone personally who has one? Personally, I'd be wary about the fact that it plays on the word "miracle".
R2D2 said:
Someone claiming to be a member of that company spammed that link on this website last night and it was quickly removed. Interesting that it didn't take you long to be convinced by this product. Do you know anyone personally who has one? Personally, I'd be wary about the fact that it plays on the word "miracle".

I didn't see that but my guess is that she got it from other forum like I said in my previous post :) from the person who is broken record if you get my drift...
R2D2 said:
Someone claiming to be a member of that company spammed that link on this website last night and it was quickly removed. Interesting that it didn't take you long to be convinced by this product. Do you know anyone personally who has one? Personally, I'd be wary about the fact that it plays on the word "miracle".

Yes, yesterday early morning, I saw the advertising here and I posted it and said nice things about this new technology. Then last night, I was looking for it and it was gone. I don't know why it was removed. So, I had to look for the websites and found it and post it here on my own.

Anyway, I thought this technology is great because it is so much change like it's getting higher and higher of technology. Wow! Amazing, isn't it?!

Boult said:
I didn't see that but my guess is that she got it from other forum like I said in my previous post :) from the person who is broken record if you get my drift...

No, I never went to any other forums at all. I only look at ONE deaf forum which is AllDeaf.
