New Kid...


New Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Hey my names David and well..
I've got a progressive bilateral severe to profound hearing loss. And my whole life I've been around hearing people (no deafies in the family). I go to a hearing school and I only really know two deaf people. I'm learning to sign ASL, but since my hearing loss is progressive someday I'll probably be completely deaf. So.. Hit me up yeah?
Hi Davey! What grade are you in? You could contact Oregon School for the Deaf....they have HOH's not just voice off severe/profound kids there. You could also go to dhh summer camp or one of the NTID summer programs.....there's a plethora of options out there.....heck maybe you could transfer to OSD!!!!!! Will be back with links!
Hi and welcome!

I have 2 kids with hearing loss. I read you want to learm ASL ! I am not sure how much you know. But a great start to learning ASL is "Signing Time" with Racheal Coleman. No kidding. That is what I used until I was able to get into the Deaf mentor program. Just a suggestion!

Welcome again!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Just make sure you go to ASL class to learn how to sign ASL properly. You will catch faster than the hearing students. Just have fun reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
Hey Davey, I'm BACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK. Believe me, I know how you feel.....I'm HOH and was mainstreamed to the max too! If only I had known about everything out there!
One of the biggest regrets that I have is that I didn't know that HOH kids could attend Deaf Schools. You mention that you want to become fluent in ASL...the best way to do that is through immersian. You could transfer to OSD (which has a huge population of HOH kids) Oregon School for the Deaf
Maybe this summer you could attend any summer programs they offer!
Maybe look into regional dhh programs too. Gally and NTID have AWESOME programs
RIT - NTID - Explore Your Future (EYF)
and Summer Youth Programs - Gallaudet University
There's also a plethora of Deaf Summer Camps in Oregon: Camp Taloali, Inc
Northwest Christian Camp for the Deaf (it seems to be evalingical Christian....and Reba I'm NOT being all "evailnical Chriistian is "bad" by that remark. Just saying that evailingcal Christianity isn't for everyone. Thats all)