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Jul 22, 2013
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hey everyone:) I'm abby and I'm 18. This whole thing has been such a struggle for me. Juat recently in the last few months, I've lost my hearing. It was totally fine, never given a second thought about it until about 6 months ago and now it's all I think about. My left ear is moderate and my right is mild- sloping to moderate. Sometimes, I get this weird feeling my ears. it's not ringing and its not pain. I don't even really know how to describe it so I haven't told anyone. I guess I'm just in that spot where I'm not hearing everything. in fact, I'm not hearing LOTS but I'm not deaf. Sometimes, I wish I were. completely. Sorry for the complaining. I just don't know what to do. any advice? feel free to share. could use the encouragement!
welcome to AD, my hearing loss slopes but way worse than yours as you can see my signature lol :)

I'm also 18 too