New I alone?


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
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I guess I am here because I am wondering if I am alone on my journey.

I grew up in the 70's a sickly child but had full hearing.

As my teen years came along I started to lose my hearing..very, very slowly.

By the time I got divorced in 2005, I was wearing hearing aids. In 2009 I got my first Cochlear Implant (which failed due to my child like structures). In 2010 I has a revision. I still dont understand what noise comes through the devise, It makes my migranes intensify. Also I tend to not wear it because its lke I get too much imput (thats how I explain it to family and doctors). I wanna nap several times daily. Mind you I still have a hearing aide in my other ear but with out it, my world is silent. I can read lips as long as my hearing aid is on, but am totaly confused and cant do it without.

I dont want to say my dr's dont understand but they get upset when I say "Most days it is easier to not use anything".

My family loves me but gets so frustrated because I get lost in a conversation and don't understand what they said the first time.

My 15 year old has much patience, my 12 year old is working on that and is trying to understand mom is not ignoring him.

One option I was never given was the choice to learn sign languge. I have worked all my life and once I could not hear someone on the other end of a phone, I was put on SSA and told to stay home. I have a special phone at home but cant understand the other person or hold a intelegent conversation anymore.

Last year I took my kids to see a movie, I had to pay to get in and I did. I sat with my kids the entire 90 minutes but could not make out a word or understand what was going on. Upon leaving, I explained I never leave my kids unattended but did not hear any of the movie. They told me too bad.

Now I just wait for things to be on demand and use the captions. This has caused me to not be outgoing anymore, I shy away alot and dont ingage in contact with the hearing world. The TV shows dont all use captions (even if the show says CC). Music..ooh how I love music. Songs I grew up singing, I now miss half the song. I dont sound like I used to, to my self (I am sure that is just my hearing as my family says I sound the same). I love to swim with my kids, but I have to do so in silence, or stay at the shallow end and not participate in the fun (so I can wear my aide).

To be honest most of the time I love to turn everything (my device& aid) off, it is so calming and peaceful. However I am a very involved mom, so that is not often. Again the CI makes me sick. It is like being in a quiet room, then all of a sudden you get "logged on" to this noisey devise with a whole bunch of loud static coming at you constantly.

I am sorry for my rambling. I am just confused and don't know where I belong anymore. It is like I am not deaf enough (so no one will teach me to speak with my hands), but I am not hearing enough to be in a quiet room with 2 people and be able to understand my surroundings.

(Sorry for spelling errors)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Well, you will have to adjust with your late deafened silence a little bit more use to. I am sorry that the CI and the hearing aid are not all that working well for you. With your hearing aid, it will help you hear the environment sounds but not be able to pick up the words (you might pick some words that you are familiar with). That is all.

You are doing the deaf journey into what you are learning to adapt to the hearing loss. It will not be a easy ride, but a bumpy road. You are welcome to browse around the forum and find what topic you want to discuss or debate with us, Deafies and Hard of Hearing (HOH) people. We all have different degrees of hearing loss so you are not alone.

Just enjoy reading and posting with us. I hope to see you around here. :wave:
:welcome: to AD! Many of us went through the same thing as you did. I did but only difference was that I was born profoundly deaf and wore hearing aids. I learned sign language at 25 years old and I dont deal with this isolation anymore. Hope you will find yourself in a community who knows what it is like.
Look into your local colleges.. Often, they have ASL classes. Or your local Deaf agency.
(runs up and gives a big hug) :hug: I'm sure many here will help you and give you points with learning the change. Welcome to AD.
Catsmeow.. you sound like me about 20 years ago.. I lost a lot of my hearing due to a head injury and wore hearing aides.. until they didn't work any more.. It took about 3 years after having my cochlear implant for me to feel comfortable using it and to be rid of the headaches.. Mine I think was just an adjustment to all the noise I was hearing.. .. I also decided to just do without for a while but later found that mine was a big help.. I don't know if you have checked out the deaf schools in your area , but a lot of them have asl classes that are free..there are also online sites such as that can help you and open up your world..
Catsmeow.. you sound like me about 20 years ago.. I lost a lot of my hearing due to a head injury and wore hearing aides.. until they didn't work any more.. It took about 3 years after having my cochlear implant for me to feel comfortable using it and to be rid of the headaches.. Mine I think was just an adjustment to all the noise I was hearing.. .. I also decided to just do without for a while but later found that mine was a big help.. I don't know if you have checked out the deaf schools in your area , but a lot of them have asl classes that are free..there are also online sites such as that can help you and open up your world..

I have not checked out (starting to) the ASL schools. I have heard that here in MD there is more help then if I was from somewhere else.

Thank you everyone for your posts.