Need to Rehome

This is why i am still single!
I will look for a picture. LOL~ He is 5ft 10", Weighs at around 350?

When we got married, he was like 190. Wore a 29" waist. Now he wears a 42". I wish I could say it was my cooking.. He is a meat and potato man. Hates veggies. Not willing to try anything new... :giggle:
That's a "big" man!...Could be his weight is a problem, slows him down. At 5'10, he's very overweight....Maybe he's depressed over it!
That's a "big" man!...Could be his weight is a problem, slows him down. At 5'10, he's very overweight....Maybe he's depressed over it!
Yeah, agreed. At this size, he is sweating and breathing hard just to get up. He is killing himself with food and inactivity. Very sad.
Yes. But why does he want to die?

Mid-life crisis?? Living in the past? Could be many things, only he knows for sure. I would get him into a fitness club ASAP. And be firm about it. Lots of diet snacks, otherwise, you could put a lock on the ref. door and the cabinets, that's pretty extreme, I know. But I've heard it being done.

Making a "list" (HEHE) as to what "has/needs to be done daily" a start to get more help around the home....Start small, then add to it as time goes by. That's what I did, and now things go very smoothly at home. Everybody has their own responsibility, after a while, it's becomes 2nd nature and a daily thing.
Mid-life crisis?? Living in the past? Could be many things, only he knows for sure. I would get him into a fitness club ASAP. And be firm about it. Lots of diet snacks, otherwise, you could put a lock on the ref. door and the cabinets, that's pretty extreme, I know. But I've heard it being done.

Making a "list" (HEHE) as to what "has/needs to be done daily" a start to get more help around the home....Start small, then add to it as time goes by. That's what I did, and now things go very smoothly at home. Everybody has their own responsibility, after a while, it's becomes 2nd nature and a daily thing.

Yes, this needs to be addressed now. If he has a heart attack, he may be unable to get up. She will end up taking care of another person in her household, and she is already carrying a full plate. He needs to learn to love himself. He is where so many others go when they are unhappy in life. People begin to look at food as pleasure/reward, when it should be looked at as fuel. There is much more to this story. I wonder what his side sounds like? He is not a happy camper, and B-M is not either. With children around, they can detect this. Oh boy.
When we fits got married, I was the main income provider. This continued throughout until Brayden was almost one. Diagnosed with Autism. Pretty much since then I have let him be the provider. Though this is not what caused the depression. He has been like this for years. ZThey say oppsosites I have always been a highly motivated, challenge driven person. It stems from years of having to prove my worth as a child. He is more...what will be will be. Drives me crazy his lack of drive. He also (without a medial diagnosis) would be considered ADD. (Wish there was somy H in that! lol) I've tried the supportive route, nagging, complaining and ignoring.. I hate the constant griping I have to get the simple things done.
He is nopt in charge of finances. He has very poor self control. Money in the bank? Means money to spend...regardless that there are outstanding checks written against the money for bills. After several months of many overdrafts...I finally had to step in and say.. NO MORE!!!! Even his family complains that he does nothing etc.. I try to be supportive and change subject. Frustrating to have his father rant about what he does or does not do....grrrrr!