need opinions


New Member
Mar 16, 2006
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alrighty, I'm new to this forum, I just joined today. I need some men's point of view and also women would be great.

I'm deaf, married to a hearing man- we have 2 beautiful little girls (5 and 1 year old).... Met a man of my dreams online last July, that is hearing also... He and I have so much in common and want the same things in life. When I first met him in person, I felt something 'click' and knew that I wanted to be with that man... I find out just a couple weeks ago, he wanted to be with me, but he is also married (now proceeding to get a divorce since his wife left him)... My husband and I have NOTHING in common, all he wants to do is go out and have fun, party, drink.. Me- I would rather sit at home on the couch with my man.

This other man- he is the same as I am... He moved from IA to OK.. He asked me to come to OK for a couple weeks, so I do with my husband's permission. On the way down, I picked him up at his friend's house as that his truck broke down, so he and I drove back to OK together... We stopped overnight at a hotel in Kansas since I was in the truck for more than 10 hours and I was sick of riding in my truck... So he pays for the hotel room- but not before he asked me if i wanted my own room, I said it didn't matter.. He gets one room with 2 beds... Damn heater was broken, I was so cold even with all the blankets.. So I wake him up asking if I can get into bed with him (i wanted to do that anyway, LOL) He says that was fine. So I climb in bed with him... I cuddled up right next to him- all of a sudden, he puts his arms around me and holds me so close and tight, I fell asleep immediately.. Then about a few hours later, I feel him kissing my neck and rubbing my back- then I turn over to kiss him..... One thing led to another- sex.... We slept together naked and woke up together naked and made love again. Then we got back on the road to OK- got to his apt within 3 hours, then he goes right to work.. We had made love quite a few times when I was staying with him... Every single night in bed, he held me so close to him tightly like he never wanted to let me go..

The day I had to leave for MN (to come home to my daughters and hubby), he was crying as I was- when we hugged- he held me so tight for so long, then kissed me goodbye, then went to work..... Although in that time I was with this man- I realized that I was falling in love with him and wanted to be with him more than anything. I told him that too and he replies back "That's good and bad for me" with a chuckle. I feel so free and at ease when I'm with him, I feel comfortable with him, I feel more happier with him.... everything that he and I did together (sex kiss, etc), felt right to me. Nothing felt wrong to me- I don't even regret anything that I did with him. AFAIK, he doesn't regret anything either and loves to be with me...

Then we talked on the phone a few times and had good converstations, finally the following week, I called him- he became an real ass to me telling me to stop calling before i get him into trouble with the boss "Again" so I said "fuck you; be an asshole to me, you call me then" then I hung up on him... I haven't heard from him since so I texted him last night to see if he received my letter- he texts back "I haven't been able to get my mail as that I've been so busy working with guests at the ranch and I am still with some right now so I'll ttyl"

The thing is when I talked to him before he was an ass to me that day- I was asking if he wanted to be with me as that my hubby and I are more likely going to get divorced soon due to different look on life, and he answered "It's not a factor of what I want" (meaning him) so I'm really confused by this statement.. He has twin boys that are 6 years old, so I'm thinking it has to do with them.. He says he was writing me a letter and it would explain it, although I have not yet received that letter from him and I've sent him 2 so far.. He has not had a chance to let me know that he received them... I know he is really busy working, as that he works at a ranch in Oklahoma.

I'm happily married, but I keep feeling the "pull" towards this man. I don't even want to be with my husband, I want to be with that man. He is just about all I think about, who I want to be with, who I feel most comfortable and at ease with...

so I guess my questions are: do you think he and I would end up together once he and I figure out what we want from each other and we are both divorced?

What did he mean by "IT's not a factor of what he wants"

Do you think he may be yanking my chain around?

PM me if you'd like.. Thanks in advance

Alright i'm not exactly an expert but hey i'll give my best opinion by him saying "it's not a factor of what he wants" I think he's saying he wants you to be happy and you shouldn't be making this desicsion to please him. Was he just having a stressful day possibley when he was an ass? And did he apologize? Keep us updated!
Thanks for your opinion.. That is one thing I thought about too.. My older sister and her husband thinks it may have to do with his kids and my kids, then myself...

That was said a few days before he was being an ass to me, so I don't think he was having a stressful day... He has not apologized so far... I'm really anxious to get his letter or hear from him soon.

My sister and I are planning to call him Sunday night when I think all the guests would be gone from the ranch that he works at.. I'm going to see if I can come back to OK on april 1st for a week or 2....

Will keep y'all updated!