Need new phone, overwhelmed by choices


New Member
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
My last two phones have been sidekicks, but lately they seem to suck, not really keeping up with the technology available. I have a great speaking voice, and it would be fantastic to have a phone where I could speak into it and the person on the other end could listen and use an IM to type back to me. These would primarily be for my husband and myself, I know not everyone can get a phone that lets you do data and voice at the same time. Which phones *do* do that, however? And if those are not really good phones, are there others that work like the sidekicks but better? I've heard Droid phones are good, but Google is coming out with a phone this fall? It would be great if there were a site that just listed every phone's pros and cons from a deaf aspect, because it would sure make it easier to pick out a phone.