My story

"Who is she?" A boy with black hair asked grinning. Thomas blushed.
"No, she is not my girl-friend if that's what you mean."
"Who are you?" This time he asked Carly herself.
"Carly." She answered simply.
"She is my twin sister." Explained Thomas. Both boys eyes opened wide.
"Really? Where has she been? Why have we never seen her before?"
"Maybe because she live in Virginia" Casey came walking up from getting their schedules.
"Hi Thomas, hi..." She turned to Carly. "We do not have anything together! not even lunch!" Carly shrunk back.
"We don't?" She turned to Thomas trying to forget about the day ahead of her. "Who are your friends?"
"Oh yeah! This is Kyle," he motioned toward the boy with black hair. "This is Carl, kind of like Carly." the other boy had brown hair. "Boys, this is Carly, who is going to be in the next Olympics." Carly blushed.
"What will you be in? Swimming?" Carly asked.
"No, gymnastics."
"Thomas you didn't tell us you had a sister, one who is a gymnast!"
"I did not know until last month." Thomas looked at the clock on the wall,
Just then the first bell rang. Quickly everyone left to go to their rooms. Carly just stood there unsure of where to go, the hall cleared out of kids and teachers. Carly looked at her schedule. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder, She jumped. Carly turned to see a man standing there beside her, with his hands on his hips.
"Class is starting young lady." He said sternly
"I can't find my room."
"Oh ok, let me see that." His voice was softened now. Then he took her schedule. "You have an accent, where are you from?"
"Virginia, but I have to come here for gymnastic training. I am Carly."
"Training? You mean you could go to the Olympics? Oh by the way, I am principle Case. We had better get you to your class room. Or you will be late." On the way Carly answered.
"Yes that is what I mean. Thomas Vinder is my twin."
"Oh really? Well I guess I better talk later," Mr.Case opened the door, they had already begun. "This is Carly Vinder. She is new here. Do I have a volunteer who will show Carly around today?"
A girl shyly raised her hand.
"Thank-you Sammy. Can Carly tell a little about herself, before you start more?" Principle Case asked the teacher. She nodded
"Come right up here." Slowly Carly moved toward the front of the room. Mr.Case chose an empty seat and sat down.
"Uh...My name is Carly Vinder. I am from Virginia, but my dad and brother live here. Maybe some of you know him. Thomas is his name. Well I came here to train."
"Carly you can tell them about training. I promise nobody will bug you about it." Carly sighed.
"OK. I train for gymnastics." A boy interupted.
"Yes, you could you go to the Olympics?"
"As I said, I train for gymnastics, and next Olympics, I might go.. That is all." All the kids looked wide eyed at her as she sat down.
"Thank-you Carly, as I was saying before, I am miss Amy...."

"So how was your first day?" Thomas met Carly in front of the school.
"Everyone is talking about me!" Thomas chuckled softly.
"Not everyone gets to meet a gymnast who might go to the Olympics, and not everyone is talking about you." Casey walked up just then.
"Carly you are the talk of the school!" Carly groaned.
HONK! HONK! The bus was here now.
"We will see you tomorrow Thomas." Then they climbed into the bus. The ride back to the dorm was boring. At least that is what Carly thought. She wanted to be doing gymnastics. There was a competition coming up, and Carly had signed up for it.
"I can't wait for the competition," Carly muttered. A girl’s voice came from the seat behind them.
"What time is the competition?" Carly and Casey turned around.
"Why do you want to know? How do you know I am going to be in it?" The girl laughed.
"Everyone knows you, Carly Vinder. My name is Michelle. So what time is the competition?"
"Everyone knows me?" Michelle laughed.
"Of course. The gymnast! Carly groaned.
Michelle stared at her.
"What's wrong?"
"Well I do not want people to be all over me, all the time." Carly then turned to the front, the rest of the trip went in silence. Finally after five stops were made, the bus stopped in front of the dorm rooms.
"I have a half hour to rest after school, then I have another class. Are you going to come watch me this afternoon?"
"Maybe...yes!" Casey answered.
"Really?" OK cool! I do not like taking naps, but I have to. Coach Freeman said we all have to take naps after school."
"OK I think I will go get something to eat. I will see you later!"
"'Bye." Casey walked outside.
RING! RING! The phone rang. Carly ran over and picked it up.
Chapter 5
Moving on

"Hi Carly," Came a very familiar voice.
"Hi mom! How are you doing?"
"I am OK how are you? How was school?"
Carly sighed.
"Well everyone knows me! Mom, I don't want to be the talk of the school! Anyway, another competition is coming up, I signed up for it. It's tomorrow, I have only been in three so far."
"Really? Maybe dad and I should call more often! Well what places did you get?" She asked.
"First two times, and second the other."
"Good job! I wish I could have been there. When is your next practice?" Carly sat down on her bed.
"In," She looked at the clock on the wall. "About 20 minutes, oh yeah guess what. We got computers I n our dorm rooms! Now we can Instant Message each other, then we don't have to use so much of our phone minutes. Plus we can e-mail each other too. My screen name is Gymnasticsgirl."
"Ok good...then we don't have to call, at least much, but calling is still better I think anyway. Do you want to get on now?" Mom and dad had made screen names when Carly and Casey left, because they thought that they would have computers. But they didn't.
"Sure, Ok I will talk to you in a minute. 'Bye!" They hung up. Carly went over to the new computer and signed on to her screen name, mom was already on.

Gymnasticsgirl: Hello!

Motherof2: Hi!

Motherof2: Where is Casey?

Gymnasticsgirl: Getting a snack 

Motherof2: Figures.  How long can we talk before you have to get ready for your next class?

Carly checked the clock again.

Gymnasticsgirl: 10 minutes, but if I change now then maybe we can talk more. Hold on I will be right back.

Motherof2: Ok.

Carly stood up and grabbed the leotard off her bed. Hurrying so they could talk more.

Gymnasticsgirl: Ok, I am back.

Motherof2: Ok, Hi again. What are you doing in your class today?

Gymnasticsgirl: Vault, and floor, for my routine, I picked praise music.

Motherof2: Did you pick so people would listen for the words?

Gymnasticsgirl:  Yes I did!
Carly, again looked at the clock.

Gymnasticsgirl: Sorry, mom but I have to go. I need to warm-up.

Motherof2: That’s ok…I guess. If you see Casey, tell her to call us. Love you, and miss you, ‘bye!

Gymnasticsgirl: OK I will, say hi to Sivier for me, ‘bye.
Carly signed off then ran out the door, and stopped in front of her “lessons” building. Trying to catch her breath before, walking in.
“Good afternoon, Coach Teeder.” Carly greeted her coach. Then went inside and sat down to warm-up with the rest of her group.
“Ok girls you know the order.” Coach Teeder called out. First everyone ran in circles in a row, then say down to do some other stretches. Finally Coach Teeder said:
“Ok, as I call your names, go stand at the vault or floor. Chrissy vault, Candy, Vault, Sarah vault, and Carly vault. When the whole lesson was over, Carly walked back to the dorm, wondering, why Casey didn’t show up. She unlocked the door. Casey was sitting on the bed, with a tear, streaked face. When she saw Carly she burst into tears again.
“What’s wrong Casey?” Casey sniffed.
“Thomas called,” She paused then burst into tears again. “Your Father- had a heart…” Casey sniffed. “Attack! He died before Thomas could get him to the hospital.” Carly sat down, her face suddenly full of tears like Casey’s.
“What will happen to Thomas?” Carly sobbed. Casey shrugged helplessly.
“I’m sorry Carly, I guess my parents will adopt you anyway, maybe they will adopt Thomas too.”
“But…But…I only knew him for a month!” Carly burst in to tears again. Then she collapsed unto the bed just as there was a knock on the door.
“Who’s there?” Carly sniffed, then wiped away the tears.
“Amy,” Called a girl’s voice, Casey’s friend.
“Come in” Amy opened the door and walked in.
“What’ wrong?” She gasped when Casey told her. “I’m so sorry!” Amy’s eyes were also wet. “Maybe I should leave you two alone?”
Casey nodded
“That might be good.” Amy stepped back outside.

As the weeks went by Carly could not stop thinking about her dad. Whenever she did, she would cry. Thomas had come to stay with Casey in the boys dorms. The funeral had gone well…except for the fact that it was a funeral, much less her own, Fathers.
DING! DING! Carly and Casey’s alarm clock went off.
Both girls sat up at the same time and reached over to turn it off. Then they sat up laughing.
“I need to get ready for the competition.” Carly rolled slowly out of bed.
“I guess I had better get up too, if I am going to watch you.” Casey groaned. As Carly to ready, Casey got on the internet and checked her e-mails, there were three new messages, 1 from mom, and two from a friend back home named Kate. First she read her mom’s.
How are things in Texas? How has Carly been? Yes your father and I talked it over…. And we decided that we will adopt Thomas also. But we can’t until next month, when Carly’s training is over for this semester. The kids that we adopt have to be with us. Oh well, Dad says “hi” but he will not be able to e-mail you for a while, he has been very busy at work. I for the first time since you were gone, have gotten off work early! I need to go, miss you, and love you!

Love Mom

So that Carly wouldn’t see it, Casey saved it and decided to read the other two later. Carly came out, with her blue leotard and sweat pants.
“Ready?” Carly asked,
“Yes, what time does it start?”
“Warm-up minutes…I need to be there now.”
“Let’s go.” They walked to the gym. A girl named Sandra came running out. When she saw Carly she said.
“Good you’re here! We need to start warming up now.” Carly nodded.
“I’ll see you later Casey.” Then she ran after Sandra, and Casey went and found a place to sit. Ten minutes later came a voice over the loud speaker,
“Good-morning ladies and gentlemen. We are about to show 3 of our gymnasts. Let’s call them over. Carly Vinder, Sandra Welm, and Cassie Welm. All three of you come on out. These three will be competing against Olympic level gymnasts.” Everyone clapped. “Carly is up first on the bars.” Carly got some chalk on her hands, then walked to her starting place. She ran and jumped over the lower bar to the high bar, swinging back and forth to get momentum, then swung all the way around the bar, she let go and went back to the lowed one. When she finally did the last flip off, she did a clean routine, only hopping slightly, when she landed. Throwing her hands above her head, the crowd went wild! Clapping and yelling. Carly bowed then went to wait for her scores. Her score was 9.8. Casey cheered loudly and Carly was grinning from ear to ear. Sandra was up next, she did a little different routine, but on her landing she fell. Instead of Carly’s 9.9, she got a 9.5. Everyone cheered when she stood up, she threw her hands above her head, frowning, then stalked off.
Cassie was next.
Casey looked at her bulletin to see what event was next, vault.
Cassie chalked up. She swung up on the lower bar, so she could get enough momentum to so she could let go and fly to the high bar. She went up into a handstand, and stayed there for a few seconds.
When she did her landing it was not as good of a routine as Carly’s, but she stuck her landing. Her score was only 9.7
Finally it was time for the vault. Again Carly was up first. Now she rubbed the chalk off her hands so she would not slip on the vault. She raised her hand to the judge, then took off down the runway, she hit the springboard just right, and touching the vault with her hands she threw herself into the air, landing again with only a slight hop. 9.8 was her score! Carly was smiling even more then before. Sandra was much better at the vault then the bars. Instead of falling at the landing, she got a 9.9; only a little higher then Carly’s. Sandra’s fists shot in the air. Casey rolled her eyes, she just knew Carly was going to win…at least she hoped she would. Casey prayed silently.
“Lord, please help Carly to have to good time while competing. Please help her to do her best, I don’t care if she wins or not, because I know whatever happens is Your will. Your will.” She repeated. Thinking about Carly’s dad. Tears came to her eyes, when she opened them, she saw that Cassie had gotten a 9.7.
Casey thought, “I missed it, oh well.” She shrugged.
The balance beam was next. Carly started her routine, by doing a side split unto the beam. Doing a no handed walkover, she did a flip and another walkover, when she was ready to dismount she walked gracefully to one end of the beam. Taking a deep breath, she a two hand springs, and a double flip off, she had done well again! Grinning widely, she put her hands over head and went to wait for her score.
The highest score yet! 9.9! Carly sighed with relief. Right now Carly was in the lead, Cassie in second, and Sandra in third. But really nobody had even placed yet. The Olympic level was being judged on the other side of the gym. When the beam was done, everyone would find out who won.
Sandra came and stood over by the beam. When she got unto the beam, Sandra did a few cartwheels a walkover and flip. On her dismount she a twirled in her flip, getting a 9.7.
“Probably because it was so short.” Casey decided thoughtfully. On her routine, Cassie got a 9.7 also. It looked almost like Sandra’s, but just a little different.
Now it was time to hear the scores. Carly didn’t hear anything until first place was announced.
“…And the winner is Carly Vinder!” Carly looked dazed as she accepted her prize, she could not believe that she had won against Olympians! Casey rushed down to congratulate her.
One of the Olympic level gymnasts came over to congratulate her.
“Good job! If you can beat us, then next Olympics you could go!” To hear an Olympian gymnast say that she was good, meant that she probably was.
“Thank-you! I hope I can make it the Olympics.”
“Well I had better go.” Then she went back over to join the others accepting their prizes. She got second. Holding it up, she grinned back at Carly.

Two weeks later Carly, Thomas, and Casey went home. Thomas kept asking questions about the town they lived in.
“At you school will there be anyone I will like to be friends with?” The girls looked at one another and rolled their eyes.
“Of course there will be boys your age!”
Two hours later, after more questions, landing in Virginia, grabbing their luggage, and after mom and dad picked them up, they got into the car. After telling them about their long, long trip in Texas, they drove into the driveway, Sivier ran out to greet them. Carly got out and hugged her. On the way home, they had stopped to eat, having such a good time!
As Carly went upstairs to unpack, she thought back to a couple years ago, of how she had always wanted to have a big brother. Now she had one, but she had also wanted her dad. He had died. Carly realized just as she was done unpacking, that even though every time she would think about her dad, she would cry. She realized that she needed to move on, instead of just fretting that she had lost her dad, she needed to realize that Thomas was having the same problems. He had known his dad longer, but both were going to have to move on in their lives, and realize that God was in control. Carly reached down and pet Sivier’s silky head thinking.
“Man has she grown, I do at least have a present from my dad!”
veggietales said:
Hey Im new here, but I decided I could put this on here. It's nont even finished ...yet but Im about done. I hope you like it!!! But I stoped typing at the wrong time so I will add some more in a while.

"Does she even chew her food?" Mumbled Carly to her new puppy Sivier. Sivier was only seven weeks old, and Clarly had gotten her the day before from her father, who lived in Texas. Carly doesn't remember him because when Carly was just born her mom died and her dad abandoned her. Then all of the sudden he just sent her a puppy.
"You know I'm not sure she does, the way it looks she just gobbels it all down!" Answered her best friend Casey grinning. Carly had liver with Casey's family ever since she could remember. "Now do you want to see your dad?" Carly shook her head no.
"I do not want to see the man who left me with nothing, and just out of the blue gives me a puppy.Do you think I should send her back?"
"No I don't think you should, that's just my opinion but you can do whatever you want with her." Casey answered.
"Casey do your parents mind paying for my gymnastics lessons? I mean...oops, sorry change of subject, well just a little change of subject. I mean I'll be going out of town again to train, and this time I will be gone at least six months." Carly was a gymnast and seven years earlier had made the disision to go as far as she could. That meant alot of sacrifices and LOTS of money!
"You know I don't thnk they do, they would love to adopt you but your father is still alive so they can't. They don't mind paying for your lessons because they think of you just like they would think of me, when you leavse again they will miss you just as much or more then I do."
"Thank-you so much!"
"What?" Asked a confused Casey."What do you mean?" But her sentence was left hanging because Sivier started barking at the mail man., and he was alergic to dogs.
"Sivier!Oh yeah I forgot she doesn't know her name yet." Carly graoned then ran toward the road. "Are you alright mr.Cahr?"
"Yes. At least I will be, here is some mail." He handed some letters and a package to Casey. "Good day girls." they went to put Sivier innide,then looked through the mail.
"Oh no! My dad sent me a letter saying he is coming down here to me in. . .he sent this letter last week and it says:
Dearest Cablea, He doesn't even know that I use Carly now. Dearest Cabela, I would like to come see you. I have a business trip down to Virginia on the 21st. . .that's tomorrow!" There was silence for a moment the Casey said.
"Well at least you leave day after tomorrow for Texas to train, so you won't have to be with him for too long." Then she added."You still have to pack.""But he lives in Texas too, and what if I like him? Then I won't be able to see him too much unless he comes and visits me, and I have to leave day after tomorrow, and..." Carly would have kept talking if mr.Liecum hadn't stepped in the door just then getting home from work. "Hi dad !" Mr.Liecum had to Carly to call him dad too so she always did.
"Hi girls how are you?" From the looks on their faces he could tell somthing was bothering them."What's wrong?"
"It's nothing...just that my dad sent me a letter in the mail saying that he was coming down here on a business trip. He's coming here!" Carly burst out.
"What! When?" He was just a shocked as them.
"Tomorrow! But what if he comes to take me away? What if...oh I have too many questions!"
"We won't let him take you away.I promise, if you were an orphan I would adopt you on the spot, but since your dad is alive we would have to have his permission first. But I think we should be able to anyway.I mean your father abandoned you after your mother died.Hmmmm,good idea."Now dad was talking more to himself then to the girls. Carly and Casey grinned at each other. He continued.
"I will ask the court if I am alowed to adopt you after your father abandoned you. I'll.. do that right now." With thathe went back out to his car and drove away. The girsl looked at each other and laughed.
"Let's call your father right now. We can find out how he got our address, but let's try not to let him know who we are. Unless we need to tell him." Suggested Casey."If we can even find his phone number."
"Can we at least try?" Asked Carly hopfully. Then without realizing it she changed the subject."Oh I am so going to miss you when I leave! I don't make friends too easily, you are my only one.." carly sighed and then looked at Caseys grinning face and realized what she had done. "I did it again didn't I?" Csey nodded.
"But we can at least try to find his num...oh yeah I just remembered! Your dad left a note and his phone number when he sent Sivier.Just in case you wanted to contact him." They ran up to carlys bedroom, first stopping in the kitchen to get the <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='cordless phone'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">cordless phone</a>. then locking the door to Carlys room they found the letter.


publicinformationofficer (4/28/2005 7:35:09 PM): m01ly_w1ff_a_tud3 (4/28/2005 2:21:30 AM): firestar_inthe_nite (4/28/2005 12:04:56 AM): lilpigmie919: <username:lilpigmie919>firefighter7852 : it_is_me_lena2005 (4/27/2005 8:47:29 AM): williamkeen_69: Tomorrow is national I LOVE U DAY if u get this that means u are loved. Send this to 10 people in the next 143 min and tomorrow will be your best day ever. Tonight at midnight your true love will realize that they love u. something good will happen to u at 1-4 pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of ur life, if u break this chain u will be cursed w/ relationship problems for the next 10 years. If u get it back ur loved!

I would like to pass this message to you and give this message to pass by your friends to read this message and I am new person and I just meet new friends and by the way my name is Ronald Decker lives in Wahiawa,Hawaii and I am hearing impaired as a person. I would like to make new friends and you said you not make new friends so easily? I try my best as I can make friends with you ok smile......You like to know what looks like Hawaii here it is