My New Artwork

Hey psst peekers ... if you see my artwork here, say somethin'. LOL
I saw the nbr of viewers are increasin' but didn't post to say anythin' about my artwork. :(
Oh my, CR! Chris and I were commenting about your artwork and we really love it a lot!! You've got a great talent with digital artwork and keep up with it!! Just can't wait for Christmas to come around and I'll be sure to ask you for an early Christmas present! :lol:
let me see if you could find a frog with sunglass being cool? and add some eagles with sunglasses?

I think it would be hard.. is it?

Cookie Monster said:
Oh my, CR! Chris and I were commenting about your artwork and we really love it a lot!! You've got a great talent with digital artwork and keep up with it!! Just can't wait for Christmas to come around and I'll be sure to ask you for an early Christmas present! :lol:

Sure thing, hon ! But, hey -- don't forget me !
CoolieFroggie said:
let me see if you could find a frog with sunglass being cool? and add some eagles with sunglasses?

I think it would be hard.. is it?


Nah, I could find a few ones for ya to chose from. It may take a while to finish them. ;)






CoolieFroggie -- you can make it to reduce to fit in your avatar or signature image.

Those animated ones I found at the website -- thought I would copy and paste them here for ya. :D
Hey Cookie Monster -

Will you do me a favor ? Can you find a suitable pic of your dog and paste it here for me ? I would like to make somethin' with it. :D
CyberRed said:
Hey Cookie Monster -

Will you do me a favor ? Can you find a suitable pic of your dog and paste it here for me ? I would like to make somethin' with it. :D

Awww CR!! You're so sweet to do that for me especially when I miss Daisy, my BT so much! I will definitely have to create something for you out of the skills that Chris taught me! :lol: *baby step skills!*


  • daisy.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 8
CyberRed said:




Let me know if, there's anythin' you would like to add. :)
OMG THANK U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WOKE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((((CR)))))))))
CyberRed said:
CoolieFroggie -- you can make it to reduce to fit in your avatar or signature image.

Those animated ones I found at the website -- thought I would copy and paste them here for ya. :D

those are so cute.. i like eagle and frog with sun glasses and add with our names Cooliefroggie and Flyfree.. make it something with a heart!

I really love your artwork~
javapride said:
OMG THANK U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WOKE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((((CR)))))))))

Your very much welcome ! (((((Javapride)))))
CoolieFroggie said:
those are so cute.. i like eagle and frog with sun glasses and add with our names Cooliefroggie and Flyfree.. make it something with a heart!

I really love your artwork~

Would you like me to add your and your love's names on it ? Which one pic do you wanna me to add the names on ? I will do it for you.
Thanks !
This is for you, Cookie Monster !! :D


With all my love,
CyberRed ~
CyberRed said:
This is for you, Cookie Monster !! :D


With all my love,
CyberRed ~

Aww, my gosh CR!! You're a gem, dontcha know that? Definitely gonna keep it!! Thanks girl!

You are very much welcome, gal ! :hug:
It's really FUN to do them. I am glad that Chris taught you.
I use PhotoShop Elements 2.0; PhotoShop 7; and Eye Candy 5 ( 30 days trial ). I plan to purchase Eye Candy 5 next week thru order. Next week will be my last week to use 30 days trial. I love Eye Candy 5. It is so much fun to experiment with different colors and its features. I also use "The Big Box of Art 410,000" -- it has many different pictures I could copy and paste to. You see, the green frog that I made for CoolFroggie ? Well, that frog I got from my own box of art disc. I have several discs that I am usin' for arts. :)

I can't wait to see what you make for me. :lol: Am lookin' forward to that. ;)
Hey, tweety? I happened to be found this halloween gif thought about for u that u might like it to match your own personality. What do you think of that idea?



I just add the names on these 2 images at your request. :)