my mom is struggling with my aunt's death

Coolgirl- my MIL is still having some issues with the passing of her husband and he passed in June 2009. I realize it's harder if it is a spouse as opposed to a sibling. The Hospice counselor told us that we need to get MIL to just let her feeling go. Cry if she needs to, get angry is need be, but just to release her feelings. Well, that has never been her way. She is usually a very private person, but does let me know how hard it is just sleeping alone.

I have a friend whose married brother was taken by a stroke. He did not get help in time and subsequently died. This friend took a long time to get over it. Something like 2 years, but she did go to counseling. What made it harder for her, they are twins and she feels that a part of her is missing. She is doing better, but still goes to counseling.

I hope you are able to talk your mother into getting some kind of counseling to help her through this.

The death of my brother was much harder for me emotionally than the death of my husband, or either of my parents. I also went to grief counseling to help me. (Yes, therapists get therapy! LOL) My brother and I were not twins, but we were very close. And I have described it the same if a part of me was gone and never to return.