My Life as A Man


Jun 26, 2007
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I am a father to my daughters.
My daughters wants me to hear but
I can only smile and say "I am sorry",
I can only talk with my hands.
My wife knew how I felt
Because she lived in the World of Silence.
I knew how sad they were,
But at least they know they're loved by us and God,
and sometime that's enough to help them smile
and say "I LOVE YOU TOO".
They asked me "Daddy, does your leg hurts?"
I said "No, it doesn't".
I am sure you all were probably wondering
"What happened to his leg?"
I am an amputee, deaf, and speech impaired,
but God had made me a warrior that He can count on.
Just because I am disabled, doesn't mean
God can't make me a Warrior,
He will use me if I have TRUE FAITH IN HIM.

Copyright ©2007 Roger Sanchez Jr. (editted on 11/11/07)
Hi Roger,
I like your poem. It's nice to hear from a father who is deaf, just what
it's like for you, being a Dad and I'm thinking you've got some kids who
are surely proud of the father that they have.
My parents are hearing, I'm profoundly deaf. I do not have kids but
I'm married to a wonderful (hearing)man. I think deaf parents can be-
come closer to their kids then even some hearing parents do and that
the children of deaf parents grow up realizing that some people are
different but that doesn't mean that people can't be happy and have
a successful life. I know from personal experience that so many of
the "limitations" my deafness has caused me in my life really came
from within, more than the limitation itself.
Keep on writing and being a warrior. I like what you write!

Arizona Girl (Karen)