My friend needs a Sorenson vp-200


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
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I have a very good deaf friend who is in need of a vp-200. He wants to be able to use it to get the services every Wednesday and Sunday from an all deaf ASL church that is 2 1/2 hrs. away. The problem is he dosen't have high speed internet or the ability to get it. He asked me if I could get the video phone hooked up here at my house so that he could come here to watch the church services. I didn't figure that Sorenson would allow as to hook it up for him here being that we are hearing, but I'm not sure what my other options would be to help him out. Some have been interpreting for him at my local church but in enlish not ASL and it's hard for him to understand. My church is willing to have the vp hooked up there so that he could come to the local church but get his ASL service from the deaf church 2 1/2 hrs away. I don't know if they would allow that either, but I just wasn't sure who I could talk to about it. Any suggestions or info. would be a big help!