Motivated by CI


New Member
Nov 5, 2007
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To anyone who's interested in responding: has CI hearing motivated you to go out to pursue more challenging goals and accomplishments? Are you now intentionally putting yourself in situations that would have been daunting in the past? For those who work, how about your career? Has the CI given you the impetus to pursue workplace advancement or seek more prestigious employment? How about education? Have you found yourself more inclined to think "Hey this class/seminar would be good for me, sign me up"?

How about running for U.S. president?

If yes to any of the above, want to share the specifics of what you did?

I'm not expecting this to be a "one-answer-fits-all" deal, so am looking forward to whatever varied responses there may be.

- Steve
Surgery: 2/29/08 (tomorrow!)
Activation: 3/10/08
Advanced Bionics
Ruminator's Ruminatings
Interesting question! I'd like to see a presidential candidate simply pop off their CI's during a debate when the opponent is saying something they find ridiculous (just for the sake of humor).
I'm more into music! :) Of course, it takes a little bit more work, but over time it will come easier.

I'm a student in college, in Game Design. So I'm pretty sure when I'm out in the real world doing art and animation, I will be more confident in speaking with people. I hate telling them that I don't understand. Now, with the CI, I feel that I *can* understand. :)

*hugs* Wish you BEST OF LUCK TOMORROW!!!
I went back to college after getting my CI, to see if I could manage w/o an interpreter, and surprisingly enough I not only managed, I got fantastic marks and LOVED it. I always loved school, but hated the struggle I had to go through to get the information, never getting 100% of what was being taught, etc. It was so cool to hear students sitting behind me asking questions to the teacher!

I also went and took a CPR class in December, which is something I never would have attempted without a terp before, as the instructor walked around while talking and while demonstrating (so I didn't see his lips very often to lipread) but I was able to understand him perfectly.

I'm hoping to go into a medical lab tech program next year, again just relying on my CI, no terp. Its a great feeling of freedom being able to do something without having to worry if they'll be able to make accommodations for me.

I've also joined the local Royal Canadian Legion ladies auxilliary doing volunteer work, and have worked at the legion as a volunteer bartender!

When I'm at a party, or with a group of people, I dive right into the conversations without hanging back or waiting for somebody to direct a question at me. I have as much ease with a group of hearing people now, as I have with deaf friends.
I'd like to see a presidential candidate simply pop off their CI's during a debate when the opponent is saying something they find ridiculous (just for the sake of humor).
Back when President Cliton got hearing aids, everyone in my class was joking abt how now he could just turn off his hearing aids when faced with something he didn't want to deal with. Why, yes I was notorious for that, why do you ask?
I am doing what I love. I did not allow my deafness to drive me away from anything.

I did leave the regular education program 5 years ago to go into special education. It allows me to work with small groups instead of whole class setting. I am missing the regular education program and wanting to go back. I would never had made this choice without my CIs.

I am trying to back to school for my Ed.S. or add on an endorsement. I look forward to going back to school without having to use an FM system.

*I saw an adminstrator for a Leadership meeting on Tuesday from our Central Office. She has worked with me for 14 years, but has not seen me since surgery. She made a wonderful comment that I had a glimmer in my eye and a spring in my step. My CIs allow me to continue living my life - that is all I want, my life.
No, I can't say having a CI has motivated to do more challenging goals or accomplishments.

All I wanted it to do was to make my life easier for me hearing wise and it has done that and more. It has provided more opportunities for me to consider and that has been liberating.