Most amount of money you've found? (in $ US)

Most amount of money found?

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Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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What's the most amount of money you've ever found? :hmm:

I realize some of us are not from the US, since the majority of us are here.. feel free to convert your currency and discuss with us.

A ten dollar bill went blowing across the grocery store parking lot when I was younger, and more agile.

I jumped on it so fast, no one else had a chance! :lol:
I found a coin purse that had $428 in it and no ID or anything, sucked for that girl and made my trip a lil better lol
I found $160 in cashes sitting on the chairs when I was 17 at the train station. I splitted money with my girlfriend so we spent our money on same clothes, and that was in an awful 80's styles. :giggle:
I found a hundred dollar bill while cleaning up a party room the next day. I turned it over to my boss without a second thought. I still do not regret it.
i vote over 100. one time i find 600 dollar in wallet. no ID. so i keep money.
When I was a boy I found an 1894 Morgan silver dollar while playing along some railroad tracks. I still have it and it is worth thousands. :)
I remember finding $20 when I was walking home in grade school, like 3rd grade. I nervously picked it up. Looked left and right for anybody who was going to come get it, saw nobody around me except cars. I thought if nobody was going to come take it from me, it's all mine.

Pocketed it like a kid thief and ran fast to the hobby store. Bought some baseball and basketball cards with it. :D
Don't be surprise, when I saw a posting on FreeCycle, and won the snatch. When I brough it home and thought I'd check out the creation of the woodwork (you know my woodworking is my hobby) and I pulled out all of the drawers, some how I found 1/2 carat of diamond ring that was left behind the back of the drawer. So, I wasn't sure if this is real diamond or not. I took it to the jewelery specialist and he said it's a 1/2 carat real diamond, worth about $6000.00. I asked him if there's a way to identified of where that purchase from and he found a marker on the ring and told me where it came from. The reason I asked so I can be sure if this really belong to the rightful owner. You know sometime on Freecycle, if owner win the products, and turned out that he/she doesn't like it and put back in the Freecycle again. Also, this box that I got is Japanese type furniture and I remember picking it up, saw a African American boy standing out front... so, if that diamond can belong to Japanese person instead of African Amercian family. So, I contacted the previous owner if she ever lost the 1/2 carat diamond ring, and he said yes, and I asked him if he know where he got it from, he wasn't sure since it been lost for 9 years. So he has to ask his wife if she know. Later, I got a reply and she doesn't know. So, I decided to go ahead and take picture of that rings. They immediatly reply with a big YES!!! I was like...sigh.. not sure if it really theirs but I went ahead give it back to them. The pix is not great below, been taken while back. So, sometime you may find something valuable from FreeCycle!


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Um, I've found extra $$ in my checking account on pay days (years ago). I would go to the bank and report it because whose ever paycheck got deposited into my account would certainly be missing it. Hopefully, by my reporting it, it made it easier for the bank to "find" it when the other person reported it "missing" from their account.
I found a wallet that had about $200 in it. There was ID in it and I returned the wallet. The woman's husband came to pick it up. He said his wife had just cash her pay check and was taking the kids to get some ice cream,. She was crying all day as she never thought she would get her money. The husband gave a me a $10 reward and his name so I got get ride trains to Boston which I never followed up on.
The other time was when I was a teenager and waiting for the bus. I saw a man put his money from his pay check into his pocket, but the guy did not realize he missed his pocket and that the money fell on the ground. I picked it up and gave it to the guy and he was shocked that he had dropped his whole pay check. I do not know how money there was but I know it was the guy pay check as I saw him get in cashed .