Morning-after pills made available to N.Y. high school students

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This is not a perfect world...and kids are gonna have sex regardles of the parents speaking, preaching, asking, even telling them about the pitfalls of teens getting pregnant at an early age.

I'm recalling back in the 80's-90's, where the "more" kids a single Mom had, the more $$ they get for each child, food stamps, housing..the whole shebang....then a program was started to where they had to "at least" try to find a job, so they would go out and just put in applications, as their benefits would be cut off....but reporting back they were not hired, had no babysitter, etc., long as they told their case worker that they had or did, indeed, put in applications, but no luck...then their benefits would continue...and they would get pregnant again...more $$ coming in, ya know?.... It is and was a "cycle"...and still continues to this day....

Not all parents are members of the PTA or even go to parent-student conferences....not all students bring home to their parents letters, notices of suspensions, or a written form of consent...I know there were times when I would check my son's book bag and find forms that needed to be signed and filled out...that were not given to me....and when asking my son about it...he said..."Oh, I forgot"....then again, some do and the Parent ignores it, doesn't read it...or simply doesn't the letter of opt out-opt in...either was signed, not signed...the student threw it away...lost it...or the Parent simply wadded it up and threw it away or simply ignored....Then again, the school may have overlooked a student...??

Many reasons why the opt-out, opt-in letter did not reach the right hands....

So again, it's up to the Parent whether to sign the form or not....

You just made the PERFECT argument for why it should be "opt in". This is exactly why everything else IS "opt in".
If you believe that I don't understand so you should explain why.

If I was you, if I think you don't understand so I will happy to explain, but for you, it is opposite.

You just made the PERFECT argument for why it should be "opt in". This is exactly why everything else IS "opt in".

Getting "boogie-eyed" about opt-in/opt-out...Perhaps they should have worded the letter better...simply asking whether they allow/want their child to receive the Pill...or not receive the Pill....Simplier language, perhaps?
I never seen any paperwork with opt out, but I do know some paperwork ask to opt in or opt out, especially use internet at school.

At deaf school, there are not many opt in forms and we didn't have opt in or opt out form for field trips.
Getting "boogie-eyed" about opt-in/opt-out...Perhaps they should have worded the letter better...simply asking whether they allow/want their child to receive the Pill...or not receive the Pill....Simplier language, perhaps?

I don't know how they worded the letter....or if they sent the letter home in multiple languages so than all parents could understand. What I do know is that lack of an "opt out" letter does not guarantee consent. Like you said, maybe that letter didn't make it home.....then again maybe it didn't make it back to school. With an "opt in" you have consent.
You are show me that you have lacking of thinking.

Use your mind - the cost of Plan B is much smaller than government insurance, food stamp, supplement income and rent subsidies, even it is cheaper than abortion.

In many cases Plan B, CHIP, Section 8, WIC, abortions, etc. are paid by the government. This shows that the taxpayers are being held hostages to the consequences and liabilities of others actions. Some people (maybe I should say MOST) just don't understand this or have totally apathy toward it. Someday they will wake up and realize that they are getting screwed.
In many cases Plan B, CHIP, Section 8, WIC, abortions, etc. are paid by the government. This shows that the taxpayers are being held hostages to the consequences and liabilities of others actions. Some people (maybe I should say MOST) just don't understand this or have totally apathy toward it. Someday they will wake up and realize that they are getting screwed.

Plan B program in New York isn't funded by federal, but just state and local only.

I disagree with your phrases like held taxpayers in hostage, but you don't live in New York, so it is pointless to complain.

I can't help you if you are mad over irresponsibility and that's not my problem, also I rather to support Plan B instead of provide an abortion.
In many cases Plan B, CHIP, Section 8, WIC, abortions, etc. are paid by the government. This shows that the taxpayers are being held hostages to the consequences and liabilities of others actions. Some people (maybe I should say MOST) just don't understand this or have totally apathy toward it. Someday they will wake up and realize that they are getting screwed.

We've been screwed for years by the Welfare system, so it's no big surprise. We can only hope for options to try to remedy the situation.....whether we try and fail is not an's a right...and of course we keep trying to remedy the situation to make at least a head-way and hope for the best....

Your solution has been tried and tried and has failed miserably, rolling7.....and your solution "sounds so simple"...but even a dog would not listen to it! (no pun intended here, tho')....What next for you?...Putting a chastity belt on a young female teen, lock and key...or cutting off the Penis of a teen male?
We've been screwed for years by the Welfare system, so it's no big surprise. We can only hope for options to try to remedy the situation.....whether we try and fail is not an's a right...and of course we keep trying to remedy the situation to make at least a head-way and hope for the best....

Your solution has been tried and tried and has failed miserably, rolling7.....and your solution "sounds so simple"...but even a dog would not listen to it! (no pun intended here, tho')....What next for you?...Putting a chastity belt on a young female teen, lock and key...or cutting off the Penis of a teen male?

The dependence on welfare system isn't good for our country and we need have more people who are productive citizens.

I know it is different story if Americans are disabled and their condition isn't workable.
There is one in my link.....did you not read it. There will be more.... Especially if something goes bad. :)

ah-ha... I see it in your Post #152.
In many cases Plan B, CHIP, Section 8, WIC, abortions, etc. are paid by the government. This shows that the taxpayers are being held hostages to the consequences and liabilities of others actions. Some people (maybe I should say MOST) just don't understand this or have totally apathy toward it. Someday they will wake up and realize that they are getting screwed.

If teens were fully capable of making good decisions, and living with grown-up consequences, why do they have juvenile courts? Your solution is to:
  • Tell kids to keep their pants on
  • Avoid sex
  • If they have sex, ask Mom/Dad first
  • Use protection they must get permission for
  • And if they get pregnant, you point the finger of self-righteousness at them and call them stupid kids, idiots, irresponsible, or whatever you like.
  • Taxpayers still end up paying the tab, only it is much larger than simple condoms, pills, etc. In many cases, it means 2 people on welfare (child and mother)
  • You are left muttering about the current generation of sexual deviants
But one little fact has gone unremarked-upon, ever since The Post reported on CATCH — Connecting Adolescents to Comprehensive Health — a hush-hush experiment with children’s physical and emotional health that began last year:

The program is racist.

You won’t find Plan B offered in high-performing Stuyvesant HS. Nor at Bayside HS in Queens, my alma mater.

The morning-after pill is thrust exclusively at public schools in minority-heavy neighborhoods where, educrats assume, parents are negligent and girls are easy.

What message does this send to youngsters resisting premarital sex?

“There definitely is a racial component here,” said one Plan B opponent. “Of all the schools on Staten Island, which one did they pick? Port Richmond. Who lives there?”

Parents are almost universally appalled at the blatant display of disrespect. To schoolgirls.

“I don’t care how they try to sugarcoat it. This is child abuse!” said mom of two teen girls Pat Mobley. She worried about “catastrophic” effects the drugs might have on the health of developing children.

“Obviously, this is an aggressive mandate aimed at putting the state in charge of the rearing of children,’’ she said. “They are supporting casual sex among children. The boys get a free ride, as usual. ‘’

On abortion, I am pro-choice. But this dastardly scheme goes too far. Removing the risk of pregnancy takes away a barrier to teen sexuality, as well as sexually transmitted disease. Cutting out parents from their daughters’ lives is not just foolish. It’s evil.

Yes, there is an “opt-out” provision. Parents may explicitly tell schools, “Not my child.” But a number of moms and dads have reported that they never saw the letter that, supposedly, gives parents the option of preventing their girls from becoming lab rats in a great, doomed social experiment.

Depressingly, Mayor Bloomberg spoke about the program like a new, shiny toy.

“The good news is we’ve brought teenage pregnancy down by, I think, something like 25 percent over the last 10 years” — without giving out Plan B. “The bad news is there’s still an awful lot of girls who get pregnant at a very early age.”

Seven thousand a year under 17, says the Health Department.

Is this any way to prevent teen pregnancy? Joe Zwilling, spokesman for the New York Archdiocese, sees a plot against families, and he’s right. “Society for millennia understood the unique role parents have,” he said. “And here comes the city saying, ‘We know better.’ ”

Not without a fight.

Bronx state Assemblyman Marcos Crespo has asked the mayor to end the insanity. “It is unconscionable for New York City’s government to implement any program that gives medication to students without the prior authorization of parents,” he warned Hizzoner.

I predict disease, lawsuits, and parental alienation in our future. The city must keep its hands off our kids.

New York City schools’ racist and misguided policy on Plan B birth control will encourage sex among youngsters -
It is also another way of the government taking control and responsibility out of the hands of the parents. Before long (although I think they already are) the government is going to be telling the parents: You did not make that.

and guess what happened? it's costing NY a lot of money for these teen pregnancies. Parents are obviously not taking a control of it and taking responsibility of it. This has forced Mayor Bloomberg to take responsibility for them.
and guess what happened? it's costing NY a lot of money for these teen pregnancies. Parents are obviously not taking a control of it and taking responsibility of it. This has forced Mayor Bloomberg to take responsibility for them.

We've been screwed for years by the Welfare system, so it's no big surprise. We can only hope for options to try to remedy the situation.....whether we try and fail is not an's a right...and of course we keep trying to remedy the situation to make at least a head-way and hope for the best....

Your solution has been tried and tried and has failed miserably, rolling7.....and your solution "sounds so simple"...but even a dog would not listen to it! (no pun intended here, tho')....What next for you?...Putting a chastity belt on a young female teen, lock and key...or cutting off the Penis of a teen male?

The entitlement system has failed miserably also. Can you admit to that?

No, I won't put chastity belts on the girls not do anything to the boys penis. However, I will hold each fully accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Something tells be that you will disagree with this and have a taxpayers-paying-the-cost of the consequences plan.
The entitlement system has failed miserably also. Can you admit to that?

No, I won't put chastity belts on the girls not do anything to the boys penis. However, I will hold each fully accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Something tells be that you will disagree with this and have a taxpayers-paying-the-cost of the consequences plan.

And "how" are you gonna hold each and every underage minor/teen accountable for their consequences of their "actions"?....We're not discussing skipping school or them commiting a minor crime...
The entitlement system has failed miserably also. Can you admit to that?

No, I won't put chastity belts on the girls not do anything to the boys penis. However, I will hold each fully accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Something tells be that you will disagree with this and have a taxpayers-paying-the-cost of the consequences plan.

No, I disagree with you.
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