Mom of Deaf Toddler

• The review also revealed that self-esteem was higher among those deaf people whose parents used sign language at home compared to those whose parents preferred an oral upbringing.

• Children whose parents used spoken language, finger spelling, and sign language to communicate with them had higher self-esteem than children whose parents only used spoken language. The more skilled the parents were at sign language, the better the values for a child's self-esteem.

• There was also a positive connection between self-esteem and reading skills.

Self-esteem and Satisfaction With Life of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
What fj keeps forgetting is that DD is hoh like children with CIs so it is like the same thing.

I have always functioned like a HoH person but I was born with a severe to profound loss and my loss is now largely in the profound range.
Welcome to AllDeaf, Kiansmom! I hope you find this forum a friendly place for you and your son. See you around AD! :wave: