MidnightSun please look here


New Member
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
OK, I am very new to this forum and I do not understand much of how all this works. Yes, before you all get upset, I did read the How to section and I still can not find how to send a message to another member of this forum so please excuse me if this is an inappropriate post. It is all I know how to do so please be patient until I can figure it all out.

Having said that, I just wanted MidnightSun to know I have not been ignoring your friend request or your note. First, I just found it today and it was sent 2 weeks ago. I am very embarrassed. Second, I finally figured out how to accept that very nice invitation after 30 minutes of trial and many errors. Please bear with me until I figure out how to answer your lovely note. I just did not want you to think I was being rude and ignoring you. That is not my way. This forum has been very helpful to me but getting around in here is definately not simple. Anyway, MidnightSun, that is what I needed to share with you tonight and will try again later on sending a personal note. Have a blessed week and thank you for being a friend. My first on this forum.
You have to post a certain number of times before you can PM, I think. Go join in some conversations and you'll be able to use the forum completely soon. It's a safe guard against spamers.
You have to post a certain number of times before you can PM, I think. Go join in some conversations and you'll be able to use the forum completely soon. It's a safe guard against spamers.

How many posts do you need before you can PM?
10 for sure

First, it was 100 posts before a newcomer can PM to MidnightSun. Then it was set for 50 posts and I thought we are still continuing to have 50 posts. Are you sure that Alex, our Administrator, had given the okay for 10 posts before Savvi can do that in PM. :hmm:
First, it was 100 posts before a newcomer can PM to MidnightSun. Then it was set for 50 posts and I thought we are still continuing to have 50 posts. Are you sure that Alex, our Administrator, had given the okay for 10 posts before Savvi can do that in PM. :hmm:

Yes. I got a PM from someone with 8 posts today. So, 8 for sure.

And you can now PM savvi. That poster has 6 posts now.
I think MidnightSun has left AD.
I think MidnightSun has left AD.

That is true. She had to leave for temporary or for a little while but I don't know how long she will be gone before she will come back again. She had to go through with her health first. She will be back when she is able. :fingersx: