Microsoft: No more keyboards !

Seen that, and I have seen more than that. They are predicting that we will be using walls into technology! Image, press channel on wall, then viola! TV there, or even touch to change the color of paint.

Technology is going to advance very rapidly, oh it is already is! LOL

Can you believe this ?! No more keyboards ? :jaw: Unbelievable, but awesome ! Wow ! *thuddin'*
Check that out :

Video On Demand | | News for Seattle, Washington

They say it costs in between $ 5, 000 to $ 10, 000. Anyone wanna to buy ? LOL !!
Oh, yeah ... that reminds me of movie, Tom Cruise was playin' in " Mission Impossible " ? He was pokin' on the computer in hologram with his finger. I couldn't believe it that it is already here ! Yikessss ... or are we just dreamin' ? :lol:

It's goin' to be very interestin'. But, ahhh just thought up of somethin'... are we goin' to be in " Matrix " to pick either red or blue pill ? Somebody is playin' God to rule this world.
I have seen that similar piece of technology. its a multi-touch screen panel, similar to the pdas that have touch screens, only advanced. theres also already have bend-dable screens that can bend like paper. I should find that video and post if anyone didn't post that yet. heh
please trade me your HSI! Yours seems better than mine! You can run 3 VP at same time if you want to.
I have seen that similar piece of technology. its a multi-touch screen panel, similar to the pdas that have touch screens, only advanced. theres also already have bend-dable screens that can bend like paper. I should find that video and post if anyone didn't post that yet. heh

Please, find that video and post here. It's goin' to be interestin' to talk about them here ! :P
Please, find that video and post here. It's goin' to be interestin' to talk about them here ! :P

here is what seq mentioned about.
I saw part of it on foodnetwork on TV or was it HGTV? I can't remember which one! There was a computer on the counter top I mean ON it...there is no PC or anything on it..all you do is just touch the counter top and type whatever what you recipe for bread or cake, or whatever...she said I think 10K for it, I may missed what she said how much it is. *THUD*

The video you just showed me was so cool. I'll like to have one someday lol! But we don't have that kind of money! :lol: I guess we'll stick with old ways! :rofl:
that gonna leave the human-greasy on screen. ugh

Have to take care by clean it :o
OH I do remmy something from CSI Miami where a secretary had something like that and one of the CSIs checked there and found the software for that and busted te secretary for illegal blotting info to other folks...anyone seen that specific show about that...
Can you believe this ?! No more keyboards ? :jaw: Unbelievable, but awesome ! Wow ! *thuddin'*
Check that out :

Video On Demand | | News for Seattle, Washington

They say it costs in between $ 5, 000 to $ 10, 000. Anyone wanna to buy ? LOL !!

MS's launch of that technology requries bulky equipments like projectors, glass top, table. It's not going to be for personal use.. MS wants to sell it to people like casinos or restaurants.

MacDailyNews - Microsoft launches multi-touch surface computer table for restaurants, hotels, stores, and casinos

***----> MacDailyNews - Apple’s answer to Microsoft Surface: real products

important read the *** link... <--- We will be hearing something more from Apple soon!
Oh, yeah ... that reminds me of movie, Tom Cruise was playin' in " Mission Impossible " ? He was pokin' on the computer in hologram with his finger. I couldn't believe it that it is already here ! Yikessss ... or are we just dreamin' ? :lol:

It's goin' to be very interestin'. But, ahhh just thought up of somethin'... are we goin' to be in " Matrix " to pick either red or blue pill ? Somebody is playin' God to rule this world.
I guess you mean "Minority Reports" Tom Cruise was in that movie though...
here is what seq mentioned about.

Oh, that. Oh, my goodness ... it is small ! Oh, boy :lol: Wonderin' if, there's no more TVs, too ? It will blend in with computer. Save papers, pens, remote controls, keyboards and all with just one voice one day ? Maybe, they will create a " voice " to talk to the computer and tell it what they want ? They can tell the computer to turn off, too ? :ugh3: Scary thought ! :Ohno:
that gonna leave the human-greasy on screen. ugh

Have to take care by clean it :o

I know. Same goes with monitors, too. You have to clean it, too if it gets dust or dirty. Same thing. Oh, well. :)