Matt's fitness corner

Essentially, I was recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance. I also have lactose intolerance.. likely from either genetics or years of eating wheat products when I should have been avoiding them. I'm a noodle person, So it's been rough adjusting. Just a journey seeing what I can or cannot eat.

No bread, noodles, most cereal, cookies, cakes, etc unless it's gluten free. You'd be surprised how many things it is in.
That is bad. I don't have food allergies at all. Sometimes I feel sick after eating mushrooms and now I'm avoiding them.

Going to core body group fitness tomorrow after my last exam of the semester before heading home for a month.
It's ok. It's just an adjustment process. There's some really good gluten free pastas out there same for bread. Also some REALLY REALLY bad ones lol.

I'm taking the night off tonight. My head hurts. You are very right about giving your body a chance to rest and heal. I'm headed in a downhill slope of tiredness. I'll just resume tomorrow.
Got your point right! While resting and healing it builds your muscles and strengthen stamina. I take 3 days off during the week and you can see how much I have muscle gains!? It all due respect to let it rest and that.
So that is total of 13km run/walk this week! My legs is taking new level now. I never felt my legs pretty tough before. Tomorrow, after my final exam I will be heading to do core group fitness for 30minutes of extreme workout of your crunchie rock hard abs! Then 40minutes of mass gym weights time before having large chicken meal and football time
How you feel now eirlys?

Gymfest tonight before footy fever! Going to do 5km run/walk, body core group class extreme action in 30minutes, heavy heavy heavy weights of dumbbells, squatting and that etc. Looks like fun!
I'm better-ish. Still tired as heck and rundown. I may be getting sick or just not sleeping enough.

That said, tonight I'm going bike riding. I'm still looking for a good leg routine that's easy on the knees. Straight leg deadlifts and box squats are about as good as I can do atm. I have a torn meniscus in my right knee that hasn't been treated because I have no health insurance (kung fu injury >_<). Bike riding, either normal bikes or exercise/recumbent bikes are the only cardio I've found so far that don't leave me unable to walk for weeks.. treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, etc have all left me stuck in bed because I cant walk to the gym without falling.
Geeze you seem overdoing the fitness. As being myself as strong guy I would never do that much because I know it will cause injuries. You need to cut down by half. You will still feel really fit. You need to fix that knee.

So it is very important to take supplements as being regular exerciser and fitness. You need to take krill or fish oil tablets, multivitamins, protein shakes and super greens juice shake. I been doing gym for years without those stuff and it did hurt my system. So, since taking them it has improve my health, fitness and that.
Minimum weight of 74.2kg now! My abs is going better and better now. I love the feeling of muscle pain on the following morning :)

I started the HIIT method yesterday and this assumed that it is working. Still toning down.

Now days I eat good chicken, carrots, spinach, apples and bananas. I usually eat potato as well because it is good for starch.

Rock hard abs is gaining!

Of course I will work out while being in Utah!