Mass Shooting in California , 6 dead :(

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what good will that do if all it takes is one gun to massacre people?

this lunatic killed 2 people with a knife... hurted several people with his car... shot 4 people...

so gun is non-issue in this tragedy.... it's a distraction from real tragedy.... a disturbed boy with a very violent misogynist view.

He murdered 3 people with a knife, his two roommates and a visitor in his dorm. He also ran over 4 people with his car (and more were injured, from his car).
Maybe more people would take you seriously, Stein, if you referred to people as people rather thAn "barking moonbats" among all the other names. :roll:
Maybe more people would take you seriously, Stein, if you referred to people as people rather thAn "barking moonbats" among all the other names. :roll:

maybe people would take the anti-gun grabbers more seriously if they took in account that this "barking moonbat" wanted to round up every single woman on the planet and place them in a concentration camp and watch them starve to death ... while these "gun control freaks" would willingly disarm his potential victims.

yeah ... good plan :roll:

the difference between your ideology and mine, is that I do take a serious approach to "personal safety". It is no one's responsibility except mine. Blaming this on law abiding citizens or the NRA, or guns .. is silly.
maybe people would take articles such as the following a bit more seriously if they actually got the details right and decided not to go with an "emotional approach":

Christopher Michael-Martinez’s Father Gets It Right about Guns : The New Yorker

Christopher and six others were killed in a mass shooting[/COLOR] near campus. That I have a twenty-year-old son who is also a college student makes an empathetic response easy, almost obligatory—but I suspect that many others felt the same way, and that they felt this way because they were hearing a hard truth spoken clearly.

A flat out lie slandered as truth.

No, six people were not involved in a mass shooting - 3 people were. Three people were actually gunshot victims. He murdered 3 people with a knife and injured 13 people with his car.

Why is there no call for rationing gas? I mean, if Elliot didn't have enough gas, he couldn't drive his car. Why not have people pass a background check when buying eating utensils? I know .. let's pass a strict law, that will keep these crazies away from being ... crazy. :roll:

In 2008, the NRA tried to pass a bill that would allow mental records to appear in a background check. The bill was defeated by anti-gun Democrats that felt medical records of the mentally ill should be private - as this was a violation of their 4th amendment rights and Civil Rights.

So keep that in mind when assigning blame please.
Rep King from NY has called for greater background checks for gun purchases. May I point out that the NRA supported the 2008 law that provided for greater funding to include mental health records into the NICS system, but that the administration has not requested and the Congress has not appropriated the full funding already approved under the law:

Gun Background Checks Funding Report Card

The President requested and Congress appropriated only a tiny fraction of the money authorized by the 2008 NICS Improvement Act for grants to the states and state court systems to improve reporting to the FBI of information needed to make the national gun background check system work.

Below is the report card on NICS Improvement Act funding for the last 5 years:

Table 1 – NICS Improvement Act Grant Program: Amounts authorized, requested, and appropriated.

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Authorized 187,500,000 375,000,000 375,000,000 187,500,000 187,500,000
Requested 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 5,000,000
Appropriated 10,000,000 20,000,000 16,600,000 5,000,000 TBD

Figure 1 – Funding Activity for NICS Improvement Act Grants
This failing grade on NICS funding is the primary reason states are not filling the Information gaps in the NICS system. A 2011 Mayors Against Illegal Guns study identified “the ability to commit funding to the effort” as a key attribute of states with improved information reporting performance. A July 2012 GAO study reported that DOJ
officials believed that “given the financial condition of most state governments, positive financial incentives (such as increasing the amount of [NICS Improvement Act] grant funding) were the best way to encourage states to act.”

Prepared by Highland Strategies, LLC, 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 600,
Washington, D.C. 20015 (202) 249G8200)
My statement concerning leaving the victims father alone was in response to another comment posted by Foxrac. I am not bothering the victims father. I am stating an opinion.

Why do you feel I should "give it a rest"? we have already discussed how we disagree on the interpretation of the statements made by the shooters father and the victims father and I have moved on. I have also not changed my stance that what they have both said was the exact same thing. I have already shared all the relevant links - yet you still ... disagree. Well ... ok. We disagree.

Do I need to post a link, or source, so that you can "school" me on why someone should not disagree with you?

If you read what I actually said, I made mention that the victims father and the shooters father made similar statements. And they both did. They both blames guns. if this were not so, no blame would have been placed on the NRA, and peter Rodgers would not have specifically made a point to mention he was "against guns". These were political statements. I don't care if you are attempting to "shield" the fact that these were political statements behind "but the victims father was grieving". He still does not have the right to take away my rights (i.e. the gun free zone where his son was killed). Now ... the media is attempting to portray him as a gun rights activist ... most gun grabbers do this. If I need to explain what a gun grabber is, I would be happy to do so. They usually start a statement with "I am for the right to self defense ... but ..."

there is no "but" and the 2nd Amendment will not be infringed ... period.

Alldeaf forum is one of smaller forums and they don't take our opinion outside of the world.

Don't like gun control laws in California? You should stay in Georgia and you have to understand that guns are not part of culture for Californians, except for inland rural and hunting. I don't support federal government to impose stricter gun control laws, especially assault weapon ban because not all states share same culture. I'm fine with background check and minimum age to purchase the guns, that it but rest of firearm laws should left to state.

We know that government can't ban on guns - see US Supreme Court ruling in 2008 and 2010, but they do allow to regulate on dangerous weapons, also they declined to hear few appeals and let gun control laws stand.

There aren't many places are gun free zones because CCW is legal in California with approval from sheriff and nobody know if you have CCW, but California has lower gun ownership so make CCW as render as useless and no one want to protect or defend you.
Alldeaf forum is one of smaller forums and they don't take our opinion outside of the world.

Don't like gun control laws in California? You should stay in Georgia and you have to understand that guns are not part of culture for Californians, except for inland rural and hunting. I don't support federal government to impose stricter gun control laws, especially assault weapon ban because not all states share same culture. I'm fine with background check and minimum age to purchase the guns, that it but rest of firearm laws should left to state.

We know that government can't ban on guns - see US Supreme Court ruling in 2008 and 2010, but they do allow to regulate on dangerous weapons, also they declined to hear few appeals and let gun control laws stand.

There aren't many places are gun free zones because CCW is legal in California with approval from sheriff and nobody know if you have CCW, but California has lower gun ownership so make CCW as render as useless and no one want to protect or defend you.

I have to ask why you are making these statements Foxrac. Am I a free American with the right to travel? Or, would you rather I become a prisoner of my State? Do I have a right to travel to California, and practice my US Constitutional rights while there, or are they only to be honored in my State?

I am just trying to understand what you are attempting to convey.
maybe people would take articles such as the following a bit more seriously if they actually got the details right and decided not to go with an "emotional approach":

Christopher Michael-Martinez’s Father Gets It Right about Guns : The New Yorker

A flat out lie slandered as truth.

No, six people were not involved in a mass shooting - 3 people were. Three people were actually gunshot victims. He murdered 3 people with a knife and injured 13 people with his car.

Why is there no call for rationing gas? I mean, if Elliot didn't have enough gas, he couldn't drive his car. Why not have people pass a background check when buying eating utensils? I know .. let's pass a strict law, that will keep these crazies away from being ... crazy. :roll:

In 2008, the NRA tried to pass a bill that would allow mental records to appear in a background check. The bill was defeated by anti-gun Democrats that felt medical records of the mentally ill should be private - as this was a violation of their 4th amendment rights and Civil Rights.

So keep that in mind when assigning blame please.

Blame on anti-gun democrats for not passed the bill? I don't think your statement is clear and do you have vote record to prove it?

NICS Improvement Amendment already passed and became a law.

See Voluntary Psychological Treatment paragraph under NRA website.
NRA-ILA | H.R. 2640, the "NICS Improvement Amendm

I believe that patients who diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or serious mental illness via voluntary treatment should report to NICS as precaution. Many serious mental illness cases went uncovered and you don't know about anyone unless they make surprise attack.
I have to ask why you are making these statements Foxrac. Am I a free American with the right to travel? Or, would you rather I become a prisoner of my State? Do I have a right to travel to California, and practice my US Constitutional rights while there, or are they only to be honored in my State?

I am just trying to understand what you are attempting to convey.

there are 50 states with their own ideologies as long as they do not violate the Constitution. if you don't like how they do it, simple - don't go there. while you disagree with how California aka Commiefornia does it, you are attempting to make California like Georgia.
there are 50 states with their own ideologies as long as they do not violate the Constitution. if you don't like how they do it, simple - don't go there. while you disagree with how California aka Commiefornia does it, you are attempting to make California like Georgia.

No, that is not what I asked. I asked if the same 2nd Amendment rights that are in all 49 other States also apply to California? Or, is California somehow circumventing the 2nd Amendment? Maybe, I am trying to turn California into America.
I have to ask why you are making these statements Foxrac. Am I a free American with the right to travel? Or, would you rather I become a prisoner of my State? Do I have a right to travel to California, and practice my US Constitutional rights while there, or are they only to be honored in my State?

I am just trying to understand what you are attempting to convey.

Every states have different firearm laws and it is ultimately decided by majority of voters who elect the politicians. You can travel to California but you have to comply with their gun control laws, even like you did at Gallaudet University in DC. Not like their law? Get deal with it. The gun laws in California is more friendlier than DC *ugh* and sheriff department may grant you to have CCW if you have a good reason. I love California and having stricter gun control laws will not stop me from relocating to CA and there are many reasons, especially new jobs, great climate and nice diverse geographical.

If you are hardcore gun nut, CA isn't for you.
Every states have different firearm laws and it is ultimately decided by majority of voters who elect the politicians. You can travel to California but you have to comply with their gun control laws, even like you did at Gallaudet University in DC. Not like their law? Get deal with it. The gun laws in California is more friendlier than DC *ugh* and sheriff department may grant you to have CCW if you have a good reason. I love California and having stricter gun control laws will not stop me from relocating to CA and there are many reasons, especially new jobs, great climate and nice diverse geographical.

If you are hardcore gun nut, CA isn't for you.

Do you realize that if any law is unconstitutional that it is null and void don't you?

Like I said .. I have to wonder why you are attempting to portray my statements into something I didn't say.

You still haven't answered my question - does the 2nd Amendment apply to California or not?

I am not a hardcore gun nut, I am a hardcore American.
No, that is not what I asked. I asked if the same 2nd Amendment rights that are in all 49 other States also apply to California? Or, is California somehow circumventing the 2nd Amendment? Maybe, I am trying to turn California into America.

California doesn't have gun rights in their state constitution but Second Amendment apply to this state and it is totally up to US Supreme Court. The government can't completely ban on guns in all states due to US Supreme Court ruling in 2008 and 2010, but states can impose the gun control laws if they want too.

Every states have a different culture and America is very diverse country.
Do you realize that if any law is unconstitutional that it is null and void don't you?

Like I said .. I have to wonder why you are attempting to portray my statements into something I didn't say.

You still haven't answered my question - does the 2nd Amendment apply to California or not?

I am not a hardcore gun nut, I am a hardcore American.

2nd Amendment APPLIES to all states but it don't null and void any gun control laws, except for complete firearm ban like in DC and Chicago.

You have deal with it or feel free to break the law, but beware of state prison and that's your problem.
California doesn't have gun rights in their state constitution but Second Amendment apply to this state and it is totally up to US Supreme Court. The government can't completely ban on guns in all states due to US Supreme Court ruling in 2008 and 2010, but states can impose the gun control laws if they want too.

Every states have a different culture and America is very diverse country.


I don't understand why you were putting so much hyperbolic statements to answer a simple question.

I don't understand why you were putting so much hyperbolic statements to answer a simple question.

Your question is not clear for me to understand so I don't make a hyperbolic statement.

You need make your question more clear or you don't understand mine.
Your question is not clear for me to understand so I don't make a hyperbolic statement.

You need make your question more clear or you don't understand mine.


You answered my question, thank you.

The 2nd Amendment applies to California, and any law infringing on it is null and void.
No, that is not what I asked. I asked if the same 2nd Amendment rights that are in all 49 other States also apply to California? Or, is California somehow circumventing the 2nd Amendment? Maybe, I am trying to turn California into America.

people can own guns in California, right?

You answered my question, thank you.

The 2nd Amendment applies to California, and any law infringing on it is null and void.

but... it don't null and void any gun control laws, except for complete gun ban like DC and Chicago.

You have to comply with those laws or you could get arrested and lose the rights to have firearm.
Your question is not clear for me to understand so I don't make a hyperbolic statement.

You need make your question more clear or you don't understand mine.

the gun argument is probably best left to gun owners... just saying....
Father of slain Santa Barbara student calls on politicians to 'get to work and do something' about guns after Elliot Rodger rampage that killed 6 near university - NY Daily News

I’m going to ask every person I can find to send a postcard to every politician they can think of with three words on it: ‘Not one more'

I'll do better than that Mr. Martinez. You may think I am being "harsh" but I can assure you that I am not. I am going to get a post card and write to every politician I can think of with more words than 3. Mine will read "Not one more gun control law - enforce the ones we already have".

The mourning dad’s harsh indictment of Congress was quickly hailed Tuesday by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

“He got it exactly right,” said Dan Gross, president of the group. “Americans are dying every day because of the corporate gun lobby and the politicians it has in its pockets.”

The Brady Bunch has politicized every gun related incident, yet, they are finally playing into the ultimate plans of the NRA, for once:

California lawmakers proposed legislation Tuesday to keep guns out of the hands of mentally-ill people who make threats of violence. Rodger was eligible to purchase a gun in that state because he had never sought treatment or been committed to a mental health facility.

Finally, something the NRA tried to pass in 2008. Mental Health Records of violent mental ill patients should be disclosed in a NICS background check.

And Mr. Martinez, it wasn't the fault of the NRA, nor the fault of politicians who refuse an outright ban of the 2nd Amendment that killed your son. It was a crazy person that killed your son - and we all live in danger of them.
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